Swarm (Dead Ends)

Free Swarm (Dead Ends) by G.D. Lang Page B

Book: Swarm (Dead Ends) by G.D. Lang Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.D. Lang
tripped over a bumper trying to keep up with Speed Racer over there” she said, pointing a thumb in my direction as she jokingly rolled her eyes. She looked at Zoe and the brand new bandage now covering her hand, “Zoe, are you…” before she could finish Zoe had bounded into her, needing reassurance from the only mother figure she had left.
    Jane winced – her wounds so fresh that she hadn’t gotten used to the pain yet – but said nothing, letting Zoe hug her for as long as it took. “Well, you’ve still got your strength so I guess you’re gonna be alright.”
    Zoe loosened her grip long enough for Jane to inspect her hand. “What happened sweetie? Are you ok?” Zoe lowered her head, a mixture of embarrassment and shyness blanketing her face. The telltale look of kids the world over who either don’t want to talk about it or haven’t yet learned the words to express how they feel.
    Ricky grabbed at a thin piece of metal protruding from the door, “Here’s your culprit” he said attempting and failing to rip it out. “This old beast has seen better days.” He took a Leatherman tool out of his pocket and used the pliers to bend and fold the thin piece of metal into itself, reducing the risk of a repeat occurrence.
    I’d finally managed to catch my breath now, still surprised at how quickly I took action without even thinking about it. “Well, if we weren’t awake before, we definitely are now” I said resting my hands on my hips and trying my hardest not to look like a man in dire need of rest and pain meds. I could feel a sharp knot in my ribcage from how hard I had been breathing, my lungs expanding to maximum capacity with each breath, pushing against my ribs to allow for more air intake. My mind wandered to the treadmill sitting idle in my bedroom, a stupid way to waste my tax return. It had become a huge clothes hanger and shoe rack the first week I put it together, which was sadly 3 months after I initially bought it. Another in a long line of regretful purchases ending most recently with the potpourri of semi-useless junk I had found in my trunk.
    The mood was quiet now. We hadn’t even had breakfast and already our nerves were jolted into consciousness once again after a night in which a combination of fear and excitement at the thought of leaving this place kept any of us from getting much sleep. It was clear that we all needed to get out of here as soon as possible. Stagnation was setting in and cabin fever was not something we could afford right now. It looks like we’ll be eating our breakfast on the road. I just wish it consisted of a Sausage McMuffin and a latte rather than beef jerky, candy bars, and Vitamin Water but beggars can’t be choosers in times like these.
    We loaded the remaining gear into the Jeep, almost forgetting the two large gas cans that Ricky had filled this morning, taking one for the team and siphoning gas out of whatever he could and accidentally singing his gums with industrial strength mouthwash on several occasions. Jane and I remembered at the last second to get the stuff we had dropped before rushing to Zoe’s aid. As we gathered up everything of use, minus the now broken tequila bottle, we noticed an unfamiliar sound coming from the north of us. It reminded me of when someone pushes down on a piano key but doesn’t remove their finger; a reverberation that slowly dissipates into silence. Only this sound was distinctly human-like and kept repeating, wave after wave like some kind of undead roll call. Jane and I looked at each other, unable to speak, our expressions saying all that needed to be said. It was time to go. And thank God we weren’t planning on heading north.

Chapter 9
    On the road once again. It’s what needed to be done but I suspect I’m the only one who doesn’t have second thoughts about it. I suggested that Ricky drive given that he grew up and lived his whole life in this area but the real reason is that I felt I was the best person to

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