Magestorm: The Reckoning

Free Magestorm: The Reckoning by Chris Fornwalt

Book: Magestorm: The Reckoning by Chris Fornwalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Fornwalt
realize how much she enjoyed this.  A tear strolled down her face and Dhane was reaching his finish.  Finally, mercifully, he was done before she reached a fourth.  
    Angrily he threw himself onto the bed.  He hated doing that with her.  It was done though, so now he could move on and hope he would be gone before she wanted to roll around again.  Now he could think of nothing but taking a shower to wash her smell off of him.  A quick glance toward the clock told him he still had more than an hour to go.  
    “I’m going to take a shower.”
    He reached over and unstrapped one of her wrists, but she didn’t move.  Instead she stayed silent, and he took that as approval for him to leave the room.  Opening the door, the guards were quickly in his face.
    “Relax, I’m just going to the bathroom.”
    Inside, he flipped on the shower and turned to shut the door.  The vampires weren’t having it though, not that he blamed them.  They shouldn’t trust him.  With a shrug he climbed into the shower and felt the warm water run over his body.  He turned it up even hotter until it almost burned and scrubbed himself with soap.  
    After twenty minutes he figured it was time to get out.  He could only avoid her for so long.  Turning off the water, he yanked a towel off the rack and dried himself.  Stepping out of the shower, his nemesis was waiting for him, standing awkwardly in the doorway.
    “Nobody’s ever done that to me,” she whispered.  The words sounded like he had done something bad to her, but the spark in her eyes told a different story.  “You will do it again.”
    Once he reminded himself that he needed to play nice a little while longer, he walked over and ran his hands down her bare sides.  One of them slipped downwards, between her legs, and she jumped back.
    “No, not now.  I’m a bit sore down there.”
    Swiftly he pushed her against the sink and had her off balance over it.  The surprise in her eyes was priceless.  Slowly a smile crept across his face.
    “I’ll do it whenever I want to.”
    His hand slid up her body and clutched her breast, then moved gently all around it, feeling the soft curves against his fingers.  She didn’t speak, but she didn’t have to.  Putting his palm on her chest, he could feel her heart race with excitement.
    When he stepped back she dropped back to her feet and wanted to pounce on him.  The ache between her legs and soreness of her back made her reconsider.  It wouldn’t be long, before she would pay him back with the same kind of force.
    She stepped into the shower and he took a deep breath.  By the time her shower was done, it would be time for his escape.  At least, he hoped that was the case.  The question was, could he trust Rachel?  The answer was, he could not.
    Instead of worrying about something outside his control, he returned to the bedroom and dressed before heading out to the living room.  He sat on the couch and the henchmen sat on either side of him.
    After a short time, Heather returned from her shower wearing nothing but a towel and walked into the living room.  A glare towards her vampires told them to move or else, and they responded quickly to the command given by her eyes.  Once they were out of her way, she sat down next to, practically on top of, her man.  She snuggled into him and he reluctantly put his arm around her.
    “I need to feed again,” she looked up at him.  “You don’t mind, do you?”
    Unable to give the answer he really wanted to, he just shrugged.  Taken as an open invite, she stood, threw off the towel, and climbed onto his lap.  She kissed him at first, then arched her back, turned her head, and bit forcefully into his neck.  He grimaced, but did his best to ignore the pain.  Rachel couldn’t get there soon enough.

    1 9
    Nearly an hour of lurking around, dodging patrols, and peering in windows kept Demian busy.  So far, there were no signs of his friend, the

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