Magestorm: The Reckoning

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Book: Magestorm: The Reckoning by Chris Fornwalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Fornwalt
grabbed Demain by the throat, slamming him backwards against the concrete wall.  His eyes were wide as she leaned in with rage written on her face.
    “You don’t ever put your mouth on me again, understand fangs?”
    Though the vampires were supposed to be superior predators to humans, he nodded his head quickly and regretted untying her.  She released her clench on him and looked around the tunnels.  Clearly she had no idea where she was.
    “How far are we from where you grabbed me?”
    “About twenty minutes away.”
    “And how long was I out.”
    “Half an hour or so.  Now tell me where the mage is.”
    “Fuck!  Which way back?” she demanded to know.
    “First tell me...”
    “I’ll tell you when we get there.  I’m late already.  If you fucked this up, I’ll be sure the mage knows why his escape was compromised.”
    Demian was confused by her comments.  Was she really implying that Dhane was captured, and she was going to help him escape?  It couldn’t be true.  She was either lying or delusional.
    “Hello?  I said I need to go.  Which way back?”
    Reluctantly he raised a finger and pointed and she started marching down the tunnel.  Perhaps he could find someone else to abduct.  If she was telling the truth about Dhane being captured, all the residents of the Grand would likely know.  
    “Are you coming or what?” Rachel called back.
    Confused, he could do nothing else but follow the witch.  It may be to his own death, but now his curiosity had the better of him.  He started walking down the tunnel, following the red-headed witch and wondering what lay ahead.

    The clock ticked towards three and Dhane knew he was alone in this now.  The traitor had failed them again and left him hung out to dry.  At least she hadn’t told Elisabeth where he was, or he’d already be dead.  Still getting his energy back from Heather’s feeding, there was no window for his escape now.  
    Weakly he sat on the couch, trying to formulate a new plan.  His brain just wouldn’t work, bouncing out thoughts as quickly as he could have them.  And to make matters worse, it seemed Heather was feeling frisky again.
    “So, it is my turn to get forceful with you?”
    “I doubt it.  You took too much blood, I don’t think it will get up and stay up.”
    She stuck out her bottom lip as if to pout.  All he could think was how pathetic she was.  Clearly she was the type of woman his mother would have approved of.  It was also one path he would not follow his father down.  Instead of pushing the issue, she moved away from him and crossed her arms.  At least he had bought himself some time for now.  If only there was a way to escape this hell.
    “Make him a sandwich or something,” she ordered one of her men.  “He needs his energy, and so do I.”
    The man headed to the kitchen and the other guard was clearly uncomfortable.  He started to pace and then did a routine check of the apartment.  While he roamed around, the other was finishing the sandwich, basic ham and cheese, and started back towards the living room.  Suddenly he stopped and sniffed at the air as though something was off.  He smelled at the sandwich, but that wasn’t it.
    The vampire sat the sandwich on the counter and was about to pursue the smell when suddenly he dropped to the floor in a heap.  When the second guard reached him, he confirmed he was unconscious but alive.  Standing up to investigate the smell himself, he teetered and fell to his knees.  A moment later he was out as well.
    “What the Hell?  Dhane, is this you?”
    He shook his head and pointed to the necklace still hanging around his neck.  Just beneath the surface of his face, a smile lurked however.  This had to be Rachel, finally.  Now he hoped he still had enough energy to escape.
    Heather jumped up and turned to run for the front door.  With every ounce of energy he had, the mage pulled himself off

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