Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3)

Free Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3) by J.L. Drake

Book: Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3) by J.L. Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L. Drake
    Three days later, after a lot of questions, I was handed a small book bag of clothes and one stuffed animal and was told I had to stay with my grandmother. This was not okay. Grandmother was just like Daddy.
    Jims gave me a quick hug. “I’ll be back, Alexander.”
    I grabbed his arm as I started to panic. I didn’t want him to leave me. He was all I had left. “Jims, please,” I sobbed to anyone who might listen, “I don’t want to go with Grandmother, please, I’ll be a good boy. Please take me with you!” My heart raced, and sweat broke above my hairline. “I just wanna go back to the treehouse! Please please please,” I screamed as someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from him. “Nooo!”
    I kicked into the air, but before I could break free, I was carried outside and placed in a car where I was taken to Grandmother’s.
    A knock to the door found my head in a swarm of thoughts. I dried my face. I hadn’t realized I had been crying. I forgot how much I looked up to Jims. Funny how things changed. I awkwardly got out of the chair and dragged my drugged body to the entryway. The fucking dog barked sharply from the patio. I threw Grandmother’s Bible at the glass, but it only made him bark louder. Stupid dog! I flipped on the light and opened the door without thinking.
    “Wow, dude, what the hell happened to your eye?”
    Fuck me! I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him inside. Without hesitation, I stuck my gun to his neck and pulled the trigger twice.

    This was the best, when I woke up before Seth. It gave me a moment to study his features without him aware of it. Just Seth without his guard up so he couldn’t hold back or be closed off, only my love sleeping peacefully next to me.
    I loved his dirty blond eyebrows, his long lashes, the way his nose aligned with his cheekbones. His hair that was long enough to run my fingers through. The morning scruff that made him look like an ad for Calvin Klein. I tugged the sheet away gently to admire his strong muscles that dipped, curved, and sculpted into perfection. My fingers tingled with the idea of tracing his six pack down to his pelvis.
    “My body’s your playground.” He grinned with his eyes still closed. “Let loose, McPhee.”
    “Just looking.” I shrugged and rolled onto my back. He grabbed the sheet as he quickly rolled on top of me. He hid us both from the morning light.
    “Well, I’m not.” He laughed as he dipped down and kissed me. His hand roamed down my leg but stopped when his alarm went off. “To be continued.”
    I grabbed his arms and held him in place. “You wanna tell me what happened last night?”
    He smiled, but I could see something bothered him. “Not yet.” He kissed the tip of my nose before he rolled off the bed and headed for the shower. He gave me a grin over his shoulder; he knew I would admire the view. I chewed my lip and thought how much I wanted to bite that fine ass of his. “Such a dirty girl,” he teased.
    “You have no idea.”
    After I got ready, I met Seth downstairs, where he poured me a cup of coffee, then eyed my dress. I looked down and thought maybe I skipped a button.
    “Damn, baby, you look mighty fine in lace.” His voice was still hoarse. “I’d hate to be your professor. No doubt I’d end up in jail.”
    I cut up an apple and bit into a piece. “Professor Dean is four years older than me, and I’m over sixteen. No jail time is needed.”
    “Is that so?” He crossed his arms, which made him look larger than he already was.
    I leaned over and patted his arm. “I meant if you were the professor.” I rolled my eyes. “How could you ever think I’d love anyone more than I love you?” I glanced at him. “Besides, you’d scare anyone who dared talk to me. I’d be single for life.”
    He came up behind me and trapped me with both hands against the counter. His lips hovered at my

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