life as she continued to tongue my pussy to death.
    When Tia finally came up for air she stood in front of me and guided my fingers to her hot spot. I inserted two fingers into Tia’s wet pussy, she let out a soft moan.
    “Ummmm that feels sooooo good, don’t stop.”
    At that point Paul walked into the room, butt naked, holding his dick in his hand. He had been watching us. I had seen him looking through the crack in the door, he was bashing himself off which turned me on even more.
    “You girls are putting on quite a show.”
    Tia glanced over to her husband and signalled for him to come over. Without delay Paul placed Tia on all fours and rammed his cock into her pussy. The way she moaned made me feel jealous, I needed some cock in me too.
    As I watched Paul fuck Tia I inserted my fingers in and out of my pussy vigorously. I wasn’t sure if she would let her husband fuck me but I needed him to. I licked Paul’s balls as he pumped himself in and out of Tia and to my delight he responded. He laid me down and fucked me missionary style on the floor. Tia not wanting to be left out the action sat on my face and I sucked on her pussy. Our moans filled the room as we continued to fuck each other. Our bodies shook uncontrollably, we had our own mini earthquake as we came one after the other.
    I let Tia and Paul use me anyway they pleased and when my time was up I collected my belongings and wished them happy anniversary before I left.
    Tia replied grinning, “Oh it’s not our anniversary but when it is we will definitely include you in our celebrations.”
    They had tricked me but they had also treated me in more ways than I had bargained for, everything was even.

Chapter 9
    Do you know what it feels like to be owned? Well if you don’t already know, I pray that you never have to find out. I can only describe it as the most degrading feeling in the world. Imagine someone controlling your actions and emotions. Telling you how to feel and what to do, whenever they felt like it. In the end you only have yourself to blame because you allowed them to put a price on you.
    You may have realised that I have only mentioned the perks of the job and the good times that I had but, as you know, everything in life has its good and its bad. I had been lucky that most of my clients were good people just looking for a great time but it only takes one person or moment to fuck it all up.
    This next incident is really difficult for me to talk about but I feel like I need to tell you this. I won’t go into every detail because the memory is one that I prefer to keep etched in my subconscious.
    It was just like any other booking. Isabella gave me the details and I showed up ready for whatever. With John Mews, like many other jobs I had done before there was no prelude to the show, it was straight fucking and I was cool with that. Sometimes I couldn’t stand the pretence or the small talk, racking my brain endlessly trying to come up with ideas for a stimulating conversation with a brainless mutt. At times it was really better to skip the talking and stick to fucking.
    Unlike my other jobs where I was treated to the best of everything, John chose a rundown hostel for our meeting spot. When Dino first dropped me off, I asked him to double check that it was the right place and was horrified to find out that it was indeed. I was sceptical about going in because I had this stereotype in my head of hostels being filled with junkies running up and down with needles hanging out their arms. To my relief there was no sign of madness in the hallway as I headed to room number forty-five, but the closer I got to the room the more unsettled I felt. I never should have entered that room but I pushed all the eerie feelings I had aside, telling myself to chill and quit acting like a boujis bitch.
    The door was slightly ajar so I just walked in.
    “Take off your clothes.”
    Those were his exact words to me, not even a hello. I laughed.
    “Wow, you move

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