
Free Breakable by Aimee L. Salter

Book: Breakable by Aimee L. Salter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee L. Salter
an oil painting. Realism. A near photographic reproduction. She’s lurching out of
the white-topped, green-grey waves, the clouds behind her deep and ominous.
not my style, but beautifully done. I can feel the wind chasing her. Feel her
deck pressing on the feet of the sailors as it crests the wave. Like the way
you feel when an elevator takes off too fast–
jump. "Yes? Sorry, what were we...?"
reason you wouldn’t accept Mark’s help.”
told you what happened with the girls in eighth grade. And Belinda and Finn.” I
paused, stretch my neck, feel the pull of my scars in the pit of my stomach.
But Doc doesn’t say anything, so I continue. "I got sick of feeling
lonely. And I wanted to impress the girls. I thought maybe they’d take me back
into their circle if I did.
Monday when I knew Finn and Mark had gotten together over the weekend, I told
some girls I had snuck over to Finn's house. I said I slept with Finn – who was
dating Belinda, by this time. I proved it by telling them about a little
birthmark Finn has in a place you can only see when he's naked. He told me and
Mark about it one time when we were playing Truth or Dare.
Belinda heard my story and asked one of the guys if the birthmark was real –
which it is. Next thing you know the entire school is talking about it. Belinda
broke up with Finn. Told the other girls he was a cheater. Blamed me. To get me
back, Finn told everyone we didn’t sleep together because when I showed
up I was all mental and sex-crazed. That I was lying to cover myself. Between
them they turned everyone else against me.
I realized everyone didn’t think I was cool for sleeping with him, I tried to
apologize and admit it was a lie. But my proof was too good. No one
wanted to believe the truth."
"Why did you start a rumor that cast yourself in a negative light?"
I was thirteen and stupid. Back then everyone was kind of in awe of the girls
who slept with guys. I thought they'd think I was grown-up and cool, then the
whole thing would blow over. But they never let it go. Never. I’m pretty sure
they all know I made it up. But it’s more fun for them to pretend it’s true.
Ever since that day I became the slutty freak."
did Mark think of all this?"
squirm. "Mark didn't know the real story for a long time. After I
apologized, Finn was civil when it was just me and him and Mark. But once Mark
came to high school, he saw how Finn and I didn't get along."
did he do?"
guess he asked Finn what happened and Finn told him to talk to me. I told Mark
it was just a fight and to forget about it. So he did."
frowns harder. "How did that make you feel?"
    Oh, please . I turn to face Doc so he can see I’m serious. "I felt
relieved that Mark was still my friend since I’d lost everyone else."
the three of you worked out a truce, then?"
"I wouldn't go that far."
morning. I hated Monday mornings. Especially on days when it rained. Walking
the halls meant squeezing through other students – a scenario ripe with
school was so old, the lockers still used the old-fashioned bolt locks. They
were combination locks now, but it took time to get the stupid things open.
arrived at mine, keeping my head down to avoid notice. I pressed the numbers on
my lock and yanked it open just as the bell rang. I’d just grabbed my folder
for English when someone bumped me from behind.
off!” I muttered, kept my eyes on my locker. Predators view eye-contact as a
down, C.”
His oily voice made my skin crawl.
knew he wouldn’t leave, so turned to scowl at him, gripping the door to my
locker in case the chance arose to slam his fingers in it. “I have class. What
do you want?”
heard about Mark and Karyn?”
nodded once, waited to see if there was more.
eyes glittered. “Just

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