sThe Quiet Wart

Free sThe Quiet Wart

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traced the movements of his eyes.
    She smiled, intimating that she wasn’t offended by his looks. ‘It’s been a while since an attractive man looked at me that way,’ she said, leaning forward.
    â€˜I’m surprised at that,’ Sean said.
    â€˜I don’t mix with many people my own age. Some of the other MEPs hit on me, but I’m not interested in them: they’re either too old, or too fat; and always too conceited.’ She looked straight into Sean’s eyes, letting him know that it wasn’t how she felt about him. Then she looked down, drawing Sean’s eyes with hers. He noticed that the front of her robe seemed looser now, exposing her breasts almost to the nipple.
    Sean looked up again quickly.
    â€˜Liz will never know,’ Anna said, still looking into his eyes.
    â€˜I can’t,’ Sean said turning away. ‘It just wouldn’t be fair on Liz.’
    â€˜The world isn’t fair, Sean,’ Anna said, as she pulled her robe apart and took the towel from her head. Her small breasts were now completely exposed and her large pink nipples were standing erect. She was breathing heavily as she stood and pulled on her belt, slipping the robe off her shoulders onto the floor.
    Sean took in the athletic shape of her body; her frame was lean and strong, like a gymnast and she was completely hairless.
    A loud rap on the door made Sean jump from the sofa. Pulling her robe back on, Anna opened the door and gave Sean a suggestive glance.
    â€˜Sean, is your radio off? Clive’s been trying to get hold of you. Blom’s on the move again,’ the bulky bodyguard said, as he walked in to the apartment. Standing behind him so that he couldn’t see her, Anna licked her lips with her tongue provocatively.
    Sean ignored the gesture and fumbled around inside his jacket pocket, while trying to conceal his erection, before he switched the radio back on. ‘Clive?’ he said.
    â€˜Sean, don’t ever switch that thing off again. Blom’s in a restaurant in Place Jourdan. He’s just joined three other people for dinner.’
    â€˜Okay. On my way,’ Sean said, relieved to have an excuse to leave the small apartment.
    As he walked out of the door, Anna parted the bottom of her gown and showed her vagina to him. ‘Later,’ she mouthed silently.

    Blom was sitting at a round table in the window of a small restaurant, tucked into the corner of Place Jourdan, adjacent to Sean’s hotel. His huge frame overhung the sides of the flimsy wooden chair and he dwarfed the three other men seated with him. A bottle of red wine and some bread crowded the small circular table between them.
    The meeting appeared to be far from convivial. Blom’s dinner companions seemed to be arguing vociferously, pointing at each other, mouths open in anger. For his part, Blom didn’t seem to be joining in. He merely glanced from one man to the other as the heated argument continued.
    Pulling out his phone, Sean quickly took a photo of the group and emailed it to Anna:
Any idea who they are?
    The reply came almost immediately:
    From left to right: Alain Picquering, MEP, France, Leader of the Socialist Movement Party of Europe (34% of the EU vote); Ruud Ten Harkel, MEP, Netherlands, Leader of the Democratic Alliance of Europe Party (21% of the EU vote); Hans Glass, MEP, Austria, Leader of the European Freedom Front (9% of the EU vote). Strange that they would be dining together. They hate each other!
64% of the total vote, wow! Any legitimate reason they’d have to meet?
Not that I can think of. They go out of their way to make sure they’re never on the same subcommittees.
    The group in the small restaurant continued their animated dinner for a further two hours. When it was over, Blom left alone, carrying an A4 manila envelope. He made his way across Place Jourdan and then turned into the Sofitel, making straight for the

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