Gwen's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)

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Book: Gwen's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) by Lexie X Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie X
gripped it eagerly, surprised at how good thrusting into the girl felt. Despite the jeans between her and the strap-on's pressure, each thrust brought a little flare of electric pleasure. Turned on beyond all belief, she began thrusting as hard as she could, desperately building the beginnings of an orgasm.
    "The hell?" one of the other girls inside the coffee shop exclaimed. She and the other barista, a young man, stood frozen and staring.
    Gwen grabbed the locket in her jacket for a moment. "You two just stand and watch until we're done."
    The two were forced to comply, watching in shock.
    Although the girl she was fucking couldn't make a sound, she did grip the window sill - not in an attempt to escape, but against the pleasure flushing the back of her arms and neck red. She curled her head down, breathing hard, and began moving back against the massive presence inside her as best she could.
    Hard thrusts - and the insanity of what she was doing - quickly brought Gwen close to orgasm, but it was the shuddering of the girl under her hands that pushed her over the edge. They came at the same time, thrusting into each other.
    Electricity seemed to crackle through Gwen's body, a wide and enjoyable orgasm arcing through her muscles. The difficulty of getting off from the pressure through her jeans made everything feel different - more satisfying, somehow, for the effort.
    And now her jeans were soaked with two different juices…
    Coming down, breathing hard, she slid the strap-on out of the brunette, watching her lips grip the shaft as it left.
    "Beautiful," she breathed. "You can get dressed and get back to work now."
    Thrilled and feeling half-crazy, she jumped in her car and drove away as fast as she could manage, watching the girl pull up her pants, climb back in the drive-through window, and then look out, confused as hell.
    Gwen smiled, thinking that business would improve quite a bit if they officially added that to the menu…
    As she calmed down from her exhilarating e scapade, she found her cravings had only grown stronger, and her specific fantasy still hadn't been fulfilled.
    She had the incredible urge to return to that house and make Lydia sixty-nine with her… but she fought it. It wouldn't be right. She wanted it to be emotional, special, and intimate.
    Pulling over to the side of the road suddenly, screeching to a stop on a gravel shoulder, she realized that what she was fantasizing about was more than just sex. It was… a relationship.
    She wanted … a girlfriend!
    Thinking back, she realized she'd never felt quite that way before.
    "I'm a lesbian," she breathed, staring at the orange and red sunset on the horizon.
    The words made incredible sense, now that she was finally saying them out loud. She wondered how the hell she'd gotten this far without ever realizing it.
    Her questing cravings finally found focus, too. She knew she could have had a girlfriend all these years, if only she'd had the courage to say yes back then…
    She pulled from the gravel shoulder even as she brought out her cellphone, dialing the long-unused number of her old best friend.

Chapter 5
    For a brief moment, when the surprised woman had suggested a coffee shop, she'd almost laughed in terror at having to go back to the place she'd just fucked a girl in a drive-through window - but, much to her relief, their meeting place was far across town from there.
    She walked up to the coffee shop full of apprehension, but too horny to back down.
    Her old best friend sat within , waiting at a table, drink in hand.
    Hanna was even more beautiful than she'd been in hig hschool. Her slender features framed her sharp eyes perfectly, and her firm cleavage was far more developed, shown off by a tight blue dress topped by long brown hair.
    Gwen approac hed, trying not to stare. Her old best friend seemed both familiar and entirely a new person simultaneously.
    "Hey!" Hanna said, lighting up with a smile.
    Gwen sat, heart pounding,

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