Gwen's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)

Free Gwen's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) by Lexie X

Book: Gwen's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) by Lexie X Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie X
    "Better hurry up," she whispered to her temporary slave.
    The girl made a muffled noise of understanding, and began licking with more force. She settled into an almost eager rhythm.
    Gwen tensed her thighs, letting the white-hot bliss build up. She figured she could afford the time, since the locket gave her all the power she needed. Indeed, when a large tie-wearing man rounded the corner with unhappy intent, she slid her hand in her jacket and raised her hand.
    The manager froze.
    "Go away," she said. "Go to your office and forget you saw this, after destroying that tape." She glanced up at the security camera she'd noticed high up behind him.
    She let go of the locket, and he rushed off in a dutiful manner.
    A crowd of random shoppers flowed by the ends of the aisle, either fascinated or disgusted in turn.
    "I'm gonna come," she informed her slave. "Keep going just like that."
    The girl made another little noise of understanding, her tongue sliding against clit in constant rhythm.
    Gwen clenched, unable to keep her orgasm pent up any longer. She could feel a dozen eyes on her, and the thought of all those random people watching sent her over the edge. She tilted her head back and clenched her jaw against the sheer power of the pleasure surging in her head and between her legs.
    She moaned happily, and several onlookers murmured in surprise.
    Finally, a strong feeling of release drained out the rest of her orgasm, and she looked down to find the redhead's face running with juices.
    "Thanks, that was just what I needed," she said downward.
    The girl just laid ther e, stunned. "Um, you're welcome…"
    Gwen quickly climbed off of her, grabbe d her pants, and pulled them up, intent on getting out of there as quickly as possible. She walked by many leering and shocked gazes, returning only a wicked smile to each of them. The two college guys that had watched the entire debacle high-fived each other, prompting her to laugh as she passed.
    Back in her car, pulse racing with the audacity of what she'd done and gotten a way with, she realized that she was already horny again. Her little stunt had only aroused her even more - and, worse, she'd given in and used the locket. She wasn't about to stop now.
    Pulling up to a coffee shop drive -through window, an insane idea seized her.
    The brunette apron-wearing barista that greeted her in the window had exactly the kind of body she'd hoped to see. Her uniform hid whatever cleavage she might have had, but she was slightly curvy in her cheeks.
    Gwen was certain she would have an amazing, grabbable ass…
    She could see the girl's coworkers behind the window, making the drink she'd ordered at the speaker. She wasn't sure how they would react, but she couldn't stop herself. She reversed her car, and then returned, a few feet further away from the window.
    She gripped the locket.
    "Drop your pants."
    She complied immediately.
    "Climb into the window," she ordered.
    Blank-e yed, the brunette barista climbed up and sat crouched on the window's wide sill in just her panties.  The sill looked wide enough to hold the girl's body flat without much discomfort…
    " Turn around, lie across the sill, and hang your ass out here."
    Gwen quick ly grabbed the strap-on and harness from her purse, exited her car, and slid it on over her jeans for lack of time. She spit in her hand, rubbed it on the toy's long shaft as best she could, and came up behind the girl.
    "Stay where you are and don't make a sound until I'm gone," she ordered, letting go of the locket.
    She could see the girl looking around in confusion, probably wondering why she was hanging from her drive-through window ass out. She got her answer a moment later.
    Rushing with the thrill, Gwen slid inside her.
    The car behind hers in the drive-through line immediately turned and drove away, honking angrily.
    Unperturbed, she began thrusting, fucking the confused barista. She'd been right, too - the girl's ass was nice and round. She

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