Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Erika Reed

Book: Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Erika Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Reed
men slowly unbuttoned their shirts. Her head was spinning. She wasn’t sure who watch. They had these beautiful, sculptured chests from all the hard work they did on the ranch.
    Evan helped her take off her shirt as Tanner told her to lift up her bottom to take off her pants. Then the men just stood there, staring at her for a minute before either one of them spoke.
    “She is perfect. I can’t believe we have this beautiful woman, the one we have always dreamed about, Evan.”
    “I know. God truly sent us a miracle when her car broke down on her two days ago, and I’ll be thanking god for Tabitha everyday for the rest of our lives, Tanner.”
    Before she could respond, Tanner stretched her out on the bed so they could have all the room they had planned for her tonight. He slowly ran his finger down her wet pussy which made her moan. At the same time, she felt Evan’s lips around her tingling breast.
    Tanner ran his wet finger from her clit to her anus in one stroke. “We are going to show you tonight how much we love and want you for the rest of our lives, darling. Do you think you can live with that thought, darlin’, the both of us? Loving and worshipping your body for the rest of our lives?”
    “Yes, I can’t think of anything I want more in life than to be with you two.”
    “That’s all we needed to hear, sweetheart. You belong to us now, darlin’, and we intend to take care of what’s ours,” Evan said with a smile.
    Tanner leaned his face into her wet pussy and, with a swipe of his tongue, took a long lick of the most delectable forbidden fruit he had ever encountered. “Umm, I will never get enough of your taste on my lips, Tabitha.” He began nibbling and sucking on her clit as Evan pinched and sucked on her sensitive nipples.
    “Oh, oh, yes, that’s it! Yes, that feels wonderful. Don’t stop, either of you.”
    Tanner then inserted two fingers into her swollen vagina to rub her sensitive spot, which he knew would send her over the top. He sucked harder on her nub and felt her begin to quiver. He knew she was close. Evan must have sensed it, too, because he also began to torment her nipples at the same time.
    Tabitha couldn’t believe her orgasm hit her so fast and hard. She had to lay there a minute to catch her breath before she could open her eyes. When she finally looked at them, they had nothing but a glazed look of lust in their eyes. Her body was ready to go again. Tabitha needed them inside her. She didn’t feel complete until they filled her with their cocks.
    “Tabitha, we can’t wait any longer. We need to be inside you now. I want to feel that hot mouth of yours around my cock while Evan prepares your ass to take the both of us. I will be in your pussy while Evan fucks you in your ass.”
    “I need the both of you inside me so bad. Hurry, Evan. My pussy is so wet again from the thought of you both being inside of me right now.”
    Tanner placed his large, bulbous cockhead in front of her lips. “Lick the head, darling, and then I want you to take me deep in the back of your throat.”
    Tabitha circled the head of his cock with her tongue, licked the slit, and then took him in the back of her throat.
    “Umm, darling, your mouth is so hot. I love it when you suck my cock.”
    She felt Evan using his two fingers along with the lube in her anus.
    “Oh yeah, baby, you like what Evan is doing to you. I can tell by the way you are sucking on my cock.” He then pulled out of her mouth and lay on his back. “Come ride my cock, sweetheart, let Evan fuck your ass and we’ll take real good care of you.”
    Tabitha straddled Tanner’s cock. She loved the feel as she slid down onto his cock. She always felt the excitement build when she thought of making love to her Storm men.
    Evan stood behind her as he placed his cockhead at her entrance. She lowered herself onto Tanner’s penis. Evan heard Tabitha and Tanner both let out a satisfying groan.
    “Man, you better hurry up. She’s so

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