Protector #4 (A Navy SEAL Military Romance)

Free Protector #4 (A Navy SEAL Military Romance) by Claire Adams

Book: Protector #4 (A Navy SEAL Military Romance) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
Protector Series Book #4
Claire Adams

book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

© 2015 Claire Adams

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    Protector 4
    I tossed and turned all night. Around 3:00 am, I finally fell into a fitful sleep
that was interrupted by Brian’s restlessness. When I woke up the next morning
felt worse than I had the morning before. I sat up slowly and looked over to
see Brian fast asleep on the couch across the room, and I immediately felt the
previous night’s irritation return. He’d shut me out without saying anything or
even trying to have a conversation, and now he was sleeping like a baby. I
shook my head in disgust and went to the bathroom to get ready for my meeting.
    In the shower, I let the
hot water cascade over my body as I tried to clear my mind of the way that
Brian had reacted to learning about my involvement in the anti-war group. I
couldn’t see how he could be angry with a group whose sole aim was to keep
peace and prevent war, and it pissed me off that he’d just shut down and
stopped talking. It made no sense to me whatsoever. I rinsed my hair and turned
my face up toward the warm flow one more time before twisting the knobs to shut
it off.
    I stepped out, grabbed
the fluffy towel off of the counter and began drying myself off as I thought
about how to start the conversation with Brian. We were going to have to talk
about this in some way or another or else we weren’t going to be able to find a
way to continue the physical part of our relationship, and I had already grown
to like it - a lot. I toweled dried my wet hair as I looked in the mirror and
noticed that there were dark circles under my eyes. The stress and lack of
sleep were getting to me, and Friday night’s partying hadn’t helped matters.
well, that’s what concealer is for. I thought to myself as I
reached into my cosmetic bag and pulled out the tube. As I began to dab it on
the dark spots, I was transported back to another morning when I had had to do
the same thing, but for very different reasons. The night before Dominic had
returned home angry with me about some imagined infraction of his rules and had
spent the evening moping silently in his man cave before emerging to teach me a
brutal lesson about obedience. I cringed as I recalled how the concealer hadn’t
been able to do its job the next day, but then it hadn’t been designed to hide
the handiwork of a man who was determined to leave his mark on my face.
    As I dusted my cheeks
with a peachy blush and tried to brighten up my pale skin, I thought about how
I was certain that Brian wasn’t at all like Dominic. But I also knew that I
wasn’t going to roll over and let another man dictate what I could or couldn’t do
with my life; even if it meant that Brian was going to be irritated enough to
continue sleeping on the couch.
    Two coats of mascara and
a swipe of a berry colored lip gloss later, I considered myself in the mirror
and decided I looked good enough to lead the meeting. I pulled my long, thick
hair back into a low ponytail and smoothed my bangs before wrapping the towel
tightly around myself and walking into the room to grab my clothes. When

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