The Hunger of Sejanoz

Free The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever

Book: The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
are shocked to see the faded tiger's-head emblem of Bhanar emblazoned upon its sun-bleached timbers. You tell Chan of this and he supposes that it belongs either to a Bhanarian trader, or to the Autarch Sejanoz's army. You volunteer to investigate this mysterious wagon, and Chan agrees to halt the caravan and wait on the highway for you to return.

    After observing the walled graveyard for several minutes, you determine that there are only two ways by which you can enter.
    If you wish to enter through the main gate, turn to 202 .
    If you choose to enter through a gap in its perimeter wall, turn to 251 .

    You are familiar with the dice and their arcane origins. During your Astrology studies at the Kai Monastery, you made use of a pair very similar in design to these. You are still examining them when a sallow-skinned guard sergeant suddenly leans forward and tugs at your sleeve. Smiling at his impatience, you hand him the Xi-die and hurriedly he breathes on them before casting them to the ground.
    His throw is not a good one. The faces and angle of the dice reveal that the sergeant will not survive the journey to Tazhan. Deciding it best to keep the truth from him, you inform him in grandiose tones that he can look forward to enjoying many fine sons and future prosperity. The greasy-faced trooper beams with joy when he tells you that he already has six sons, two of whom are also Imperial Chai Guardsmen.
    He and his companions are very impressed by the apparent accuracy of your reading, and you sense that your standing among them has greatly improved.
    To continue, turn to 153 .

    A cursory search among the beakers and flasks uncovers the following potions with which you are familiar:
Laumspur (enough for 2 potions. Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)
Gallowbrush (enough for 1 potion. Induces sleep when swallowed)
Ashexa Concentrate (enough for 1 potion. A healing fungus. Will restore 6 ENDURANCE points)
    To leave this workshop and continue your exploration, turn to 38 .

    Kasarian is grateful for the assistance you can provide. The Bhanarian attack was unexpected and casualties were high. More than half of Kasarian's garrison have either been killed or wounded.
    Once you have finished attending to the Lissanian wounded, you assist the garrison commander with repairs to the fort's breached wall. It is nearly nightfall by the time you finish your labours and are able to rest.
    Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    To continue, turn to 149 .

    The arrow strikes you in the centre of your forehead and an explosion of white light engulfs your vision. For a few fleeting moments you feel yourself tumbling backwards into a deep, dark abyss. Then all sensation vanishes and you cease to be.
    Tragically, your life and your mission end here in the catacombs of Fort Vlau.

    The fight ends abruptly when you deal your enemy a mighty blow to the base of its deformed neck. As it crumples lifelessly to the ground, you join with Sergeant Yeng and rush to aid the trooper who is caught in the strands of your sticky net. One well-aimed blow puts paid to the creature that is ensnared in the net with him, and then you quickly recite the words to counter the spell and the thankful trooper is soon released.
    Cautiously you inspect the bodies of the slain enemy and determine that they are of Agarashi descent. They have probably come down from the Hyunsei foothills in a desperate search for prey, for all three corpses show signs of starvation. Sergeant Yeng confirms your suspicions. He tells you that long ago, during the Age of Eternal Night, this land was stalked by the Agarashi — the hellish creations of Agarash the Damned. When Agarash was destroyed by the Elder Magi, his creations were scattered across the wilderness and plains of Chai. The descendants of those beasts are still alive today, hiding in hills, burrows, and caves. They rarely

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