The Hunger of Sejanoz

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Book: The Hunger of Sejanoz by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
attack travellers on the trade road, unless driven by disease or extreme hunger.
    Using your tracking skills, you quickly determine that there are no other creatures like these in this vicinity. Only then do you and the troopers remount your horses and continue along the highway towards the Javai Forest. A few miles short of the forest you discover a freshwater spring which is forded by the highway. It is an ideal site for a night camp, and so you send one of Yeng's men back to the caravan to tell them that you shall await their arrival here.
    During your wait for the caravan, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    To continue, turn to 45 .

    You sprint away from the exploding geyser and reach an area of dry ground. The scalding water that showered you has blistered your skin, but you are able to numb the stinging pain by the use of your innate Kai healing skills: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    You are recovering from your stinging injuries when you are suddenly distracted by the sound of a fearful scream.
    Turn to 44 .

    Before you can devise a plan of action, one of the ice-fiends turns its head towards you and holds you with its terrifying eyes. In the next instant, it belches forth a cone of ice that hurtles towards you like a huge crossbow bolt.
    Turn to 61 .

    You chance a glance around the pillar and your stomach churns when you see the awe-inspiring figure of Autarch Sejanoz standing at the far end of this ancient crypt chamber.
    Encased from neck to toe in black armour, inlaid with lavish gold filigree, he stands a sword's length taller than you. His great tiger helm conceals his face, and swirling around him are the folds of a voluminous scarlet cloak. Only his hands are visible and they seem incongruous when compared to the grand scale and design of his armour. They are like twisted claws, the skin wrinkled and fragile like ancient parchment. Hanging over them are four long, curved, needle-like claws of steel which sprout from the back of the golden bracers that encase his wrists.
    Cowering in a corner of the crypt are the Imperial Family, their eyes wide with naked terror. One of the Autarch's Imperial Guard Captains stands over them with a glowing stave held firmly in his gauntleted hands. The tip of the stave trails wisps of blue-grey smoke, indicating that it is this weapon, and its wielder, who were responsible for the death of Sergeant Yeng.
    The Autarch calls for you to surrender. ‘Resistance is futile, mortal. My troops are everywhere.’ You are about to give voice to a defiant reply when a sudden pain lances through your head.
    Illustration VII —The Autarch demands your surrender.
    If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 294 .
    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 28 .

    You determine that Prince Kamada is in danger. Your interpretation of the signs indicates that he will be betrayed by someone close to the Imperial Family. You are unable to determine who this traitor will be, but you inform the Princess and advise her that she should be on her guard at all times.
    Your reading disturbs Mitzu and she is unable to hold back her tears. She apologizes for her display of emotion, something that is frowned upon in imperial Chai society, and politely she asks you to leave.
    Turn to 298 .

    You have heard of Xi-die but you are not familiar with their use. As you are examining them, a sallow-skinned guard sergeant leans forward and tugs at your sleeve. Smiling at his impatience, you pass him the dice and hurriedly he breathes on them before casting them to the ground.
    When he and his companions look to you to interpret his throw, you can only shrug your shoulders and apologize for not being able to read them. The greasy-faced trooper frowns with disappointment as he snatches up the dice and returns them to Captain Chan. The sergeant mutters something under his breath, and you sense that his respect for you has been badly

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