The Alpha Bet

Free The Alpha Bet by Stephanie Hale

Book: The Alpha Bet by Stephanie Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hale
you wouldn’t have picked the CEO of the most successful cosmetics company of all time. Oh, God, I can’t stand it. GK, you should do stand-up,” Jentry dies laughing while rolling off her bed.
    “How in the world would I know anything about makeup? I just wore eyeliner for the first time three days ago.” I point out in a useless defense. Nothing I say is going to stop the fit Jentry is having. Despite my nervousness over my demise with the Alphas, I can’t help but realize the irony of the legacy I chose. Couldn’t I have just looked at one more Google search? I start cracking up just watching Jentry roll around on the floor holding her stomach.
    “So, I met a boy today,” I say, finally, after she has calmed down a bit.
    “Ooh, do tell. Is he hot? Well hung? Come on, give me details.” She laughs.
    “Well, it was dark, but he looked really cute. I hit him in the forehead with my shoe,” I giggle.
    “NO!” Jentry screams with laughter. I nod and she just starts cracking up all over again.
    “Then I saw him again later and he helped me pick up the tampons I was carrying in my purse,” I laugh.
    “He actually picked one up?” She asks amazed.
    “He’s totally into you. Guys are scared to death of feminine hygenine products, it’s like their Kryptonite. Yep, he’s into you.”
    I hear something outside our door and I jump off the bed and put my finger to my mouth gesturing for Jentry to be quiet. I am so going to bust Sloane for spying on us. I fling open the unlocked door ready to pounce.
    Instead, I practically head-butt a portly campus security guard standing outside our door with his fist raised, ready to knock.
    “Are you Grace Kelly Cook?” He asks grumpily.
    Did the Alphas change their mind and decide to have me hauled in for breaking their picture frame? Did Lindsay already figure out that I lied?
    “Yes, I’m Grace Kelly,” I smile, hoping to win him over.
    His stubble-covered face doesn’t register any emotion. He pulls a black walkie-talkie looking thing off his shoulder and speaks into it. “The subject is accounted for,” he says.
    “Ten-four, Bob. Tell her to call her mom so she quits calling campus security,” another male voice crackles out of the walkie-talkie.
    Bob raises his eyebrows unpleasantly at me and stalks off down the hallway. I shut the door and crumple into a ball of humiliation onto our dorm floor.
    “Your mom gives new meaning to the word controlling,” Jentry says, half-laughing.
    “I can’t believe she called campus security. She’s on a mission to destroy me no matter where I go.” I shake my head while dialing my home phone number.
    I calm Mom down by lying and saying that I slept through both phone calls. There was no way I was going to tell her about rush. She’d probably call in the National Guard. I made her promise to never call campus security again or I wouldn’t come home for Thanksgiving break. We bartered over how many times a day she could call. She finally settled on one call a day but unlimited emails. Jentry sat shaking her head and laughing through the whole conversation. I’m positive she thinks my entire family is whacked because her mom hasn’t called her once since she’s been here.  I ease myself down into my covers and turn myself in Jentry’s direction. She has her hair fanned out on her pillow with just one of her Ipod ear buds in.
    “I bet your family really misses you,” I say, trying not to be too obvious.
    “Highly unlikely,” Jentry responds, pulling out the ear bud.
    “What are they like?” I prod.
    “The polar opposite of your family,” she says, rolling over in her bed.
    “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” I laugh.
    “You’re really lucky, GK. I know it doesn’t always feel that way but you really are.”
    Her comment is laced with such sadness that I don’t know how to respond. How could her family not completely treasure her? I know I do.
    “Besides, you’re my family now,” she

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