    “Brady.” I nodded, trying to be polite.
    Then things got downright weird. Tre Davis walked up to us. “Hey Ash, you busy tonight?”
    He was one of Conor’s friends, one of the chosen few who sat at his lunch table. A wave of realization washed over me as Matt and Conor both stepped closer to me.
    I halted and stared at Tre’s ice-blue eyes and noticed his great body. I managed a small smile, though that knot grew bigger, making it suddenly hard to breathe.
    “Um…” My brain struggled to process what was happening.
    Suddenly Cora appeared, pushing her way past Conor. She took my arm in hers. “Sorry, Tre. She’s got a study date with me tonight.”
    He smiled, showing dazzling white teeth. “No problem. Can I call you or something, Ash?” I was still speechless; I had never been good with boys. Did they all just want to bite me? Freaky.
    Cora pulled me down the hallway, away from the boys. “If you can get her number,” she threw over her shoulder with a wink. She hustled me to class, rushing past all the would-be suitors. I was still trying to find my breath.
    “I thought those two were supposed to be protecting you,” she said with a huff. “A lot of good they were.”
     “Thanks.” I breathed, finally. “That was just…strange.”
    She looked me over, eyes narrowed in concern. “Is this how it’s going to be all week?”
    My eyebrows shot up. “I don’t know. Conor said not everyone would find me as appealing as he did. I didn’t think…”
    I stared down at my desk. How would I survive all week with all those vamp boys vying for my attention? Last week I’d been virtually invisible. I was starting to think anonymity wasn’t all that bad.
    Maybe I should just let Matt do it. Bite me, get it over with, and go back to normal life. All those guys would leave me alone, and Conor could go back to his life. He wouldn’t have to pretend to date me anymore. My stomach betrayed me, letting me know in no uncertain terms how I really felt about the possibility of losing Conor. I put a hand on my stomach in a vain attempt to calm the rising panic. If I picked Matt, would Conor stop talking to me, stop hanging out with us? Would it go back exactly to the way it was before? Where I was obsessed with Conor from afar and he acted like I didn’t exist?
    I put my head down on my arms as class started. I really didn’t want to be in this situation. I didn’t want this choice, I didn’t want this attention. I didn’t want any of this.
    * * * *
    I tried my best throughout the morning to pay attention in class. After all, I still needed to graduate after I became a familiar. Everywhere I went, though, guys talked to me. Guys I’d never even noticed before. All vamps. I hadn’t realized our school had so many vamps.
    Cora couldn’t be everywhere at once. So I was often left without protection. When they came up to me in the hall, I did my best to keep walking. In class, I just smiled politely and told them thanks, but no thanks. Most of them got the message and backed off right away. Others were more persistent.
    I found Cora at our lockers before lunch. She put an arm around me and squeezed before letting me go. “How you doing?”
    I opened my locker and shrugged. “Okay.” I dumped my books and shut the door, looking around for Matt. “It’s so strange, though. Is this what’s it like to be hot and popular? Because I think I’ll pass.”
    I gave her a grimace as Tre walked by and waved. Halfheartedly, I waved back.
    “Where’s Matt?” I asked her.
    She shrugged. “Let’s go. We can find a table in the corner or something.”
    Matt finally showed up after we’d gotten our food.
    “Where have you been?” I pointed my fork at him.
    He set his tray down across from me and pulled out a chair. “Spreading the rumor you and Conor are dating.”
    I choked a little on my milk. “What? Why?” I gasped between coughs. Cora pounded me helpfully on the back.
    He cracked open his soda,

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