
Free Takedown by Allison van Diepen

Book: Takedown by Allison van Diepen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison van Diepen
it go?” I asked.
    â€œGreat!” Kendra swung her shopping bag. “Did you see me try it on?”
    I shook my head.
    â€œI’ll show you! Hold this.” She gave Jessica her other purchases, then took out the jacket—dark blue denim with purple embroidered flowers—and started posing. “Well?”
    â€œIt’s nice.” Girls liked compliments, even meaningless ones.
    Kendra clapped her hands with excitement.
    â€œIt would’ve been cheaper after Christmas,” Jessica said.
    â€œYeah, but there were only two left in my size!”
    â€œKendra’s right,” I said. “You can’t pass up a jacket like that. Fashion first.”
    Jessica laughed, punching my arm. I squeezed her to my side and whispered in her ear, “I love it when you manhandle me. Do that again.”
    â€œYou wish.” I saw a flash of heat in her eyes, then she wriggled away. “Let’s go to the toy store. I know you already have a gift for Kiki, but there’s something I want you to see.”
    Curious, I followed her.
    The toy store was packed, of course. Moms and dads were racing through the aisles with shopping carts filled sky-high. Good thing Jessica knew exactly where she was going.
    â€œHere it is.”
    It was a box of toddler-sized musical instruments: an electric guitar, a drum, a tambourine, and a pair of shakers. “You could add this, too.” She picked up a small keyboard. “It’s got all these different settings. Kiki could make rhymes like you. I was reading this book that said if you want to be great at something, truly great, you have to start young. If Kiki starts making music now, think of how amazing he’ll be by the time he’s our age.”
    I couldn’t believe she’d put so much thought into a gift for Kiki. “Thanks, Jessica.” But thanks didn’t cover how impressed I was with this girl. “This is perfect. I’m gonna get it. I’ll save the trucks for his birthday.”
    As we got in line for the checkout, I was pumped. I’d never been so excited to give a gift. All I ever got Mom and Tasha were gift cards for the beauty shop. Jessica was right—I could teach Kiki so much about music. He could be my protégé.
    After I bought the instruments, we headed for the food court and got something to eat. I sat back and watched the crowd while Jessica and Kendra talked about some actress I’d never heard of.
    â€œShe’s totally fugly,” Kendra said between licks of frozen yogurt.
    â€œNo way. She’s unique. Not everyone has to be stick thin with fake boobs, you know.” Jessica turned to me for backup. “What do you think?”
    â€œI think you should have some poutine.” I dangled a gooey forkful of fries and cheese in front of her. “Come on.”
    She went for it. “Mmm.”
    â€œMy man Darren!” a voice said from behind me.
    I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.
    â€œHey, Vinny.”
    Vinny was pimped out in fur and blinged in ice, a ghetto version of Kanye West. His tray was piled high with burgers and fries, and some shopping bags were slung over his arm. Two guys stood with him. One of them wore glasses and impeccable clothes; the other had a shaved head and tattoos crawling up his neck. I was pretty sure they were lieutenants, but I didn’t know their names. All I knew was that I didn’t want them anywhere near Jessica and Kendra.
    â€œYou got my text?” Vinny asked me.
    I gave a quick nod. He’d better not say more about it.
    Vinny and the lieutenants snagged the table next to us. Before Vinny could open his trap again, I said, “How about the game?”
    I prayed Vinny would take the bait. He was a die-hard Raptors fan, and last night’s loss would be his latest heartbreak.
    â€œShadiest game ever!” Vinny thumped a fist on the table. “We almost had it. Somebody’s

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