Endless Love Letter (Love Letter Duet Book 2)

Free Endless Love Letter (Love Letter Duet Book 2) by Callie Anderson

Book: Endless Love Letter (Love Letter Duet Book 2) by Callie Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Anderson
contain my chuckles. “You're staying here?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
    “Yes.” I matched her sarcastic tone. “Like I said to Lyra, I'm having some work done at my house and I'll be staying here for a while.”
    Emilia inhaled slowly and smiled wide at Lyra. “Honey bunny, why don't you go wash up so you can help Mommy cook dinner?” Her voice was soft and tender when she spoke to Lyra. We both watched as Lyra skipped out of the room and headed toward the bathroom.
    “You're not moving in here,” Emilia barked at me in a low whisper. Her gaze was like daggers digging into me.
    “Yes, I am.” I sat back on the couch and kicked my feet up on her coffee table.
    “Weston . . .”
    “Emilia . . .” I bobbed my head like Lyra had done dramatically before. “Here's the thing, babe. You need someone here with you. What you're about to go through is hard enough, and to do it alone is impossible.” I took my feet off the coffee table and turned toward her. “I'm here to help with Lyra, chores, cooking, school drop off, and whatever else you need. We both know how much chemo is going to suck, so take your pride and place it somewhere else because I'm not taking no for an answer.”
    “You're not sleeping with me.” She crossed her arms at her chest and I couldn't help but grin. It was good that she seemed to joke about it.
    “This house looks like it has a few extra guest rooms, not to mention this couch seems very comfortable.” I brought my mouth close to her face. If she wanted to play, I was going to play back. In a low husky whisper, I added, “Too bad you won't let me sleep with you. Our bodies always seemed to fit like a puzzle.”
    Emilia swatted my arm. “Weston! You can stay but in your own room. I'll lay out new sheets in the guest room.”
    I brushed back her hair and looked deep into her deep brown eyes. “I'm here, Em, for you.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Also . . .” I paused and contemplated whether this was the best time to talk to Emilia, “I know this is sudden, but what are we going to tell Lyra?”
    Emilia inhaled deeply. “I have no idea how to cross that bridge. I've been so focused on making sure her life wasn't affected by it. I wanted you to meet her doctor and have her spend more time with your family. You know, in case something . . .” I brought my fingers to her lips.
    “Nothing will happen to you. I promise.”
    We both turned when Lyra screeched. Hopping off the couch, we ran to Lyra, who was waiting in the kitchen with her apron tied around her waist.
    “Lyra Skye, you scared me half to death.” Emilia rested her hands on her waist.
    “But I'm ready to start cooking,” Lyra said innocently.
    “Okay. Let me wash up.”
    “I can cook dinner,” I offered as Emilia pulled back the sleeves of her shirt.
    She giggled. “You? Cook?” She began to really laugh. Lyra joined her.
    “What's so funny?”
    “You can't cook.”
    “Says who?” I crossed my arms over my chest.
    “Weston, when we were together you never cooked. Ever. Mama and your mom even bought your groceries.” Emilia smiled at me smugly.
    “Yes, but have you forgotten I was a struggling musician in London for four years? I had no choice but to learn to cook.” Once the words were out of my mouth, the air between us shifted. The reference to London would always be a trigger for us.
    Emilia's laughter faded and she swallowed it back. “Okay, you two cook. I'll go make up your room.” She touched my shoulder as she passed and patted Lyra's head.
    One day this wouldn't be hard, but we were still in the process of learning who we were in this new life. Lyra pulled her step ladder open and climbed up so she could see the counter. “What are we cooking, Daddy?”
    I looked at Lyra and then at the state of the art kitchen. Crap. I scooped up Lyra in my arms and sat her on the counter top. “I need you to be a sous chef today.”
    “What’s that?”
    “My right hand.” I circled

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