Billionaire by Design (A BWWM Romance)
on the short trek to and from the local market. In her new Southwestern life, the men were a bit more tactful, yet their intentions were still easy to read. Regardless of where they were from or the strategy they used, their end game always seemed to be the same. None of these men cared about her mind; they just wanted her body. Because of this, she was quite selective in who she shared her time with.
    To help herself feel normal, she’d ventured out on a handful of dates over the years, but none of them had extended beyond making out and light petting. She’d certainly never met anybody who made her heart race like Zane Talbot did. Just thinking about him made her giddy, and that was a feeling she’d never experienced before.
    Jumping in the shower, Jenna thanked herself for having shaved her legs that morning and not having to waste valuable time with that daunting task. She quickly rinsed off while recalling how surreal the last two hours of her life had been.
    Zane had loved her work, paid her liberally for it, and they seemed to have forged a connection of some sort. She got a glimpse of his company’s inner workings, and his right-hand man had creeped her out by coming on way too strong. Zane had asked her out, his motives unclear, and now she was scurrying to get ready for dinner at an undisclosed location.
    She could never have predicted this day, and it wasn’t over yet. Nervous for the evening and praying she wouldn’t make a complete fool of herself, she leaned her back against the wall of the shower in hopes the warm water would help calm her anxiety. No man had ever come close to affecting her like this.
    Toweling off, she let her hair air dry as she carefully applied a faint spattering of gold shadow across her eyelids, hoping Zane would like the choice.
    Even if the dinner was business and nothing more, she hadn’t gone out in months, aside from a trip to the local pizza joint here and there with Leigh, and wanted to look her best. She refocused her efforts, paying painstaking attention to every detail as she finished applying her make-up.
    When she was satisfied with the job she’d done, she headed to the small living room where she flipped on the television and plopped down on the sofa. She meticulously painted her finger and toenails the same dark red as her lipstick, paying Dr. Phil only half of her attention. As her nails dried, she reached for the remote and changed the channel carefully so as not to mar the tacky paint.
    “What a quack,” she commented under her breath as she searched for something a bit more appealing. She tried to focus on a celebrity cooking show, but her mind couldn’t stop drifting to thoughts of Zane Talbot. She couldn’t imagine what business he’d possibly have to discuss since the logo work he’d asked for was now a done deal. He did know she was graduating soon, and since he seemed to genuinely like her work, there was always a chance he may offer her a job.
    While it was true she would be looking for a full-time design position soon, the thought of the dinner being romantic in nature excited her more than anything. She scolded herself for putting lust before career and glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time.
    The minutes ticked by until 7:30 finally hit, and with a half hour left to get ready, she headed to her bedroom to slip into the black evening gown she’d laid out on her bed.
    She slid her feet into the black stilettos she’d chosen and did a quick twirl in front of the full-length mirror mounted to the back of her door. From there, she hit the bathroom again to fix her hair and apply a few slight touch-ups to her make-up. Normally a very modest girl, she had to admit that she looked good.
    As she admired herself, she realized just how much she enjoyed getting dolled up to go out. She’d never put this much time into herself before, mostly because her previous dates simply weren’t worth the effort. They were with good men, but none of them made her

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