Campbell's Kingdom

Free Campbell's Kingdom by Hammond Innes

Book: Campbell's Kingdom by Hammond Innes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hammond Innes
go on.
    â€˜I came to have a look at it,’ I said.
    They eyed me curiously and in silence.
    â€˜How do I get up there?’ I asked.
    â€˜Better ask Ben.’ The old man turned to Creasy. ‘Do ye ken what the snow’s like at the head o’ the creek, Ben?’
    â€˜Sure. It’s pretty deep. Anyway, he couldn’t get past the fall till it’s cleared.’
    â€˜Why do you want to go up to the Kingdom?’ the younger McClellan asked.
    There was something about the manner in which he put the question that made me hesitate. ‘I just wanted to have a look at it,’ I said. I turned to Creasy. ‘Does this road you’re building go towards the Kingdom?’
    â€˜What’s it for?’
    â€˜It ain’t for the convenience of tourists anyway.’
    Old Mac cleared his throat. ‘Ye were telling me, Mr Wetheral, that ye’d come straight out from England?’ I nodded. ‘Then how is it ye’ve got the name Campbell’s Kingdom so pat on your tongue?’
    â€˜I’m Campbell’s grandson,’ I said.
    They stared at me in astonishment. ‘His grandson, did ye say?’ The old man was leaning forward, staring at me, and his tone was one of incredulity.
    â€˜Ye’re no exactly like him in appearance. He was a big man—broad across the shoulders and tough.’ He shook his head slowly. ‘Och, weel, a man’s no’ entirely responsible for his kith and kin, I guess. So ye’ve come to see the Kingdom?’
    I nodded.
    James McClellan darted his head forward. ‘Why?’ There was sudden violence in the way he put the question.
    â€˜Why?’ I stared at him, wondering at the tenseness of his expression. ‘Because it belongs to me.’
    â€˜Belongs to you!’ He stared at me unbelievingly. ‘But the place is sold. They sold it to pay old Campbell’s debts.’ He glanced at his father and then back at me. ‘It was sold to the Larsen Mining and Development Company.’
    â€˜The Larsen Mining and Development Company?’ It was the name that had been newly painted on the frosted door of Henry Fergus’s office. ‘I had an offer from a company,’ I said. ‘But I turned it down.’
    â€˜You turned it down!’ McClellan kicked his chair out from under him as he jerked to his feet. ‘But—’ He stopped and looked slowly across at Creasy. ‘We’d better go and have a word with Peter.’ The other nodded and got to his feet. ‘You’re sure you really are Campbell’s heir?’ he asked me.
    â€˜Is that anything to do with you?’ I was a little uncertain, disturbed by the violence of his reaction. He looked scared.
    â€˜By God it is,’ he said. ‘If—’ He seemed to take hold of himself. ‘You’re still the legal owner of the property, are you?’
    I nodded.
    â€˜Can you prove it?’
    â€˜How do you mean?’
    â€˜Have you got anything on you to show that you really do own the place?’
    He seemed so darned worried I got out my pocket book and showed him the wire I had received from Acheson on the train. He almost snatched it from my hand and I could see his lips moving as he read it. ‘Did you see Acheson?’ His hands shook slightly and his face was grey as he looked down at me.
    â€˜What did you decide?’
    â€˜I said I’d think about it and came on up here. Why?’
    â€˜Christ Almighty!’ he breathed. ‘That means—’ He stopped and his eyes went to the window as though there was something out there he wanted to look at. But the panes were dark squares reflecting the interior of the kitchen.
    â€˜May I see it?’ Creasy held out his hand and McClellan gave him the wire. He read it through and then he said, ‘Yeh, we’d better see Peter right away.’ He handed the slip back

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