One Plus One
leave…but, you’ll still be here when he finally peels himself from his office.” Mazie leaned back in for a hug. “Let yourself go, girl, enjoy a man who I know has been enjoying everything about you. He was so upset with me when he learned about the natural aphrodisiac I used.” Mazie got a serious look, and then added, “Please don’t hurt him, Lacinda. I think he’s in love with you.”
    * * * *
    After Mazie left, Lacinda undressed, tossing her bikini under the chair. She pulled the chair around, faced it toward the patio door, and then lay back, closing her eyes. A smile stretched across her lips as she imagined Blade’s reaction. Her body sank back, relaxing in the lull of the sun and surf. Minutes after Mazie departed, the patio door opened.
    Blade gasped.
    Lacinda opened her eyes. His midnight blues melded with her gaze and melted into her heart. She made a new game plan as he walked over.
    “What if the girl you’re with isn’t spiked?” she asked. “And what if she can’t stop thinking about you?”
    Blade swept her up into his arms and then settled back on the chair with Lacinda straddled across his lap facing him. Her breasts pressed into his chest and the hard lump in his pants nestled nicely between her folds. Blade’s lips claimed hers. His tongue parting, exploring, leaving her breathless.
    Blade spoke in whispers through his kiss, “I’ve missed you deeply, wildly, truly. What if we could stay here as long as you wanted?”
    Lacinda sucked Blade’s tongue through her lips, while unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off his shoulders. His palms glided down from her lower back. Each hand cupped a butt cheek and his fingers tucked into her moist crevice.
    She moaned into his mouth. “What if she’s ready for a solid relationship?” Lacinda unsnapped and unzipped Blade’s pants. He lifted himself with her in his arms. She left his lips and concentrated on yanking his pants down. His pants finally dropped. He sat back on the chair and kicked them off.
    Lacinda’s fingers wrapped around his erection and she lowered her head, kissing his beaded nipples. Blade growled deep, and Lucinda’s lips detected its vibration through his chest. She kissed his neck. He lifted her hips and she guided the tip of his erection to her center.
    “Are you sure about this?” Blade whispered. Lacinda impaled herself in one smooth motion, her breath releasing when he completely filled her.
    She pulled his head lower and softly spoke next to his ear, “Never more sure.”
    “Oh God, Lacinda,” Blade gasped. He maneuvered their bodies so he lay on the lounger with Lacinda straddling his hips.
    She lifted and lowered herself again, each time her passage stretched around him she wanted to scream his name. Blade pulled her upper body across his chest. His thumbs massaged her nipples into taut pearls, creating mini shock waves that drove through her with the force of a race car. Blade, inside her, his body trembling under her fingers, consumed her with passion only for him.
    Lacinda arched toward his ravenous fingers all the while her hips rocked in a matching rhythm. The pressure between them built into a crescendo, her nipples blazed in sensitivity, her clit on fire, she wanted to swallow him inside her forever.
    She reached behind, slipping her hand between her legs, and cupped Blade’s testicles. His hips rose into her and stopped. They hung suspended, only their hearts beat in unison, seeking the gathering tidal wave. She squeezed him gently. Blade growled and plunged deeper.
    He rolled Lacinda onto her back and pushed her legs up so her knees were at his shoulders. Blade drew himself out slowly and teased the rim of her center. He pressed his thumb against her swollen clit and rolled it around.
    Every nerve inside Lacinda ignited, tingling and throwing tiny explosions. Her hips met his as he thrust into her over and over, building a precipice that held her captive, suspended, tilting, and then surging

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