Shock Treatment

Free Shock Treatment by Greg Cox

Book: Shock Treatment by Greg Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg Cox
Her eyes narrowed as the full implications of Ray’s question sank in. “But . . . you don’t actually think that someone arranged this on purpose, do you? That’s ridiculous.”
    â€œWe’re not ruling out any possibilities,” Vartann said. He took control of the interview again. “These snakes of yours, any more on the premises?”
    â€œNo.” She clung to her teacup with both hands, visibly unnerved by the disturbing turn the conversation had taken. Worry lines cracked her immaculate makeup. “The Cleopatra Room is currently the only therapeutic space set up for the serpentine massages. The rest are reserved for more conventional treatments.” She sighed ruefully. “I had been contemplating adding vivariums to some of the other chambers, to keep up with the demand, but I suppose I shall have to reconsider those plans in light of these unfortunate circumstances.”
    â€œYou might want to hold off on that,” Ray agreed. The attack on Rita Segura was unlikely to increase the popularity of the snake massages. The Nile would be lucky if the bizarre incident stayed out of the papers. “And are the snakes kept in the Cleopatra Room at all times?”
    â€œNaturally,” she stated. “In deference to our more sensitive clients.”
    â€œYeah,” Vartann said. “I can see where some people might not like seeing them carried from room to room.” He grimaced in sympathy. “Can’t say I blame them.”
    â€œSnakes are not repulsive, Detective.” MadameAlexandra segued back into lecture mode. “They have been part of nature for over one hundred and thirty million years. Did you know there are over two thousand different species? And that many life-saving medicines have been derived from snake venom?”
    This was true, Ray conceded. Not just antivenims, but also blood thinners and other pharmaceuticals had been developed from the unique properties of snake venom. Including promising new treatments for lupus and other disorders.
    â€œRight.” Vartann cut off her sales pitch. “So where exactly do you get your scaly miracle workers?”
    â€œOur serpents are supplied by a supposedly reputable dealer, a man named Chip LaReue.” She spelled out the name for their benefit, then moved quickly to deflect any blame from herself. “If you wish to know how a venomous adder invaded this sacred temple of healing, I suggest you talk to him.”
    â€œWe’ll do that.” Vartann wrote down the name. “There any bad blood between you and this LaReue character? Unpaid bills? A financial dispute?”
    â€œNot at all.” She bristled, offended by the very suggestion. “If anything is amiss here, I suspect it is criminal negligence and carelessness on Mr. LaReue’s part.” Perhaps realizing how accusatory she sounded, she softened her tone. A weary sigh conveyed that she spoke more in sorrow than anger. “Please understand, gentlemen, it truly pains me to point a finger at another soul, let alone an individual with whom, up until now, I have had a most cordial and satisfactory business relationship. I believe we are placed on this Earth to understandour fellow travelers, not judge them, but, frankly, I can think of no other explanation for this dreadful turn of events. Mr. LaReue must have accidentally included the wrong snake in his last shipment. It’s the only thing that makes any sense.”
    Ray found it the most plausible scenario as well, but knew better than to rush to judgment. He’d investigated more than a few cases where first impressions had proved misleading. “What about the masseuse?” he asked. “Heather Gilroy?”
    â€œOh, her, ” Madame Alexandra said disdainfully. “I can’t believe that silly girl ran off to let me deal with this unpleasantness. Well, if she thinks she still has a job here, she is sorely mistaken.”
    So much

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