Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2)

Free Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2) by Erin Ashley Tanner

Book: Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2) by Erin Ashley Tanner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Ashley Tanner
button, he could feel a knot of tension forming in his neck.
    Damn Poseidon. His father could never be counted on when it really mattered, but that was fine. Triton’s plan was already in motion, and no one was going to get in the way of his vengeance. He was done pussy footing around. It was time to kick things into high gear and begin his seduction of Athena’s daughter.
    Cerceis lay in bed inside her small seaside palace. Triton’s treatment of her played over and over in her mind. He’d dared to mock her and then dismiss her like she was nothing. There was no way she could leave things to him now. Doubt was slowly creeping into her mind and all because Triton thought Athena’s progeny was beautiful. Was Triton losing his nerve for their dastardly plan? Had meeting the girl changed something? Cerceis didn’t know, but either way, Triton was proving he couldn’t be trusted. It was up to her to put her own plans in motion. Materializing a phone into her hand, Cerceis dialed.
    Arienne was watching one of her favorite TV shows, CSI: Miami . As another episode started, her cell phone rang. Grabbing the phone from her nightstand, she swiped the screen.
    “Arienne Marcos.”
    “Arienne, it’s Chris Triton.”
    “Mr. Triton, what a surprise.” OMG.
    “I thought you and I were past such formality.”
    “I’m sorry … Chris. What can I do for you?”
    “I was wondering if you were free tomorrow.”
    “Tomorrow?” Arienne repeated.
    “Yes. I thought perhaps we could go make your donation to R.A.I.N.N. and maybe have a light lunch.”
    Arienne’s palms were sweating, and her mouth was suddenly dry.
    “Arienne, are you still there?”
    “Yeah. I was just looking at my calendar,” she lied.
    “And does that calendar have a space for me?”
    “Great. I’ll set everything up.”
    “Would you like me to meet you?”
    “Arienne, I’d be less than a gentleman if I didn’t pick you up.”
    “I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way.”
    “It’s no problem. I’m happy to offer door to door service.”
    Arienne smiled. “So does this mean I have to dress up?”
    “No. Whatever you wear will make you look beautiful. Text me your address and I’ll pick you up around ten thirty.”
    “Okay. See you tomorrow.”
    “I’m looking forward to it. Take care.”
    Arienne ended the call and laid her phone down on the bed. She had a lunch date with Chris Triton. Wait. He didn’t say it was a date. But she couldn’t help wondering if there was more to it. After all, they could’ve just made the donation without going to lunch afterwards.
    “What does this mean?”
    When it came to men, Arienne was clueless, and there was a real possibility she was obsessing for nothing. Unfortunately only tomorrow had the answers she was looking for. Right now she had to decide what to wear.
    The game was about to commence. Triton had a date with the girl, and for some reason he couldn’t help smiling about it. With Arienne alone with him, he would use his charm to put her at ease. He was sure getting her to open up so he could see what she was really made of would be a breeze.

Chapter Fifteen
    Today was the day, and Arienne couldn’t stop sweating. Standing in front of the mirror in her bathroom, she dabbed at the bead of sweat forming on her brow. Her heart hadn’t stopped its hummingbird like pace since she woke up. I’m going to need another shower if this keeps up.
    Inhaling and exhaling in an effort to calm her nerves, she applied a dusty shimmering gold to her eyelids. Clad in a white, short sleeved dress with gold buttons and trim, Arienne hoped she was dressed well enough to be in Chris Triton’s presence. She’d even straightened her unruly hair for the occasion, and it fell almost to her waist.
    If I went through all this trouble for nothing, I’m going to be pretty pissed. Arienne put on her small gold hoop earrings. You’re ready, girl. Giving herself one last look

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