Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2)

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Book: Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2) by Erin Ashley Tanner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Ashley Tanner
over, she went back to her room and strapped on her white Mary Jane heels. Purse in hand, Arienne walked into her living room and settled down to wait leaning against the couch. A knock at the door startled her. No turning back now. Rising from the couch, Arienne walked to the front door and looked through the peephole before she undid the chain and deadbolt locks.
    “Wow. You look incredible.”
    “I could say the same,” Arienne said.
    Chris Triton took devastatingly handsome to a whole new level. His sandy blond hair looked freshly cut. He was wearing a charcoal grey suit, with a crisp white shirt that shone underneath his suit jacket. Even something as mundane as a business suit couldn’t hide Chris’s muscular physique. Arienne was having a hard time looking away.
    “I’m glad you approve. Are you ready?”
    “Yes.” Purse in hand, Arienne pulled the door closed behind her and locked it. Turning to Christ, she couldn’t help but note the wide smile on his face.
    “Shall we?” He offered her his arm.
    Arienne swallowed. “Yes,” she said taking his arm.
    He tucked it through his, and together they walked to the elevator. Chris pressed the button for the underground garage.
    “I’m trying my best to avoid some of these nuts with cameras,” he explained.
    “I take it you’re not too fond of the paparazzi,” Arienne said as the elevator doors opened.
    “Hardly. They’re social pariahs.”
    Arienne smiled. “Nice to see you don’t take the Kardashian approach to free publicity.”
    “Never. I prefer to be as low key as I can manage. That way I’m less likely to be a target of someone’s frivolous lawsuit. You learn to be cautious with people,” Chris said.
    “That’s terrible. Do people really come after you like that?”
    The elevator doors opened. “You’d be surprised at the numbers.”
    They walked together in companionable silence for a moment before Chris pointed ahead of them. “Here’s my car.”
    A black Rolls Royce with tinted windows so dark you couldn’t see inside sat in front of them.
    “Nice,” Arienne said.
    “Thank you.” Chris opened the back passenger side door.
    Arienne stepped inside the Rolls and taking her seat, she was surprised to see a divider between the front and back of the car. Quickly she slid over and made room for Chris, who sat next to her and closed the door right before the car started to move.
    “You know, Arienne, I’m really looking forward to spending time with you.”
    “Really? And why is that?”
    “I’d like to get to know you better. When I saw you on the news, I knew there was something special about you and that you were a woman worth getting to know.”
    Arienne raised a brow. “You could tell all that from seeing me on the news?”
    “I’m a pretty good judge of character,” Chris said winking at her.
    “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m just an ordinary librarian.”
    “You and I both know you’re more than just a librarian.” Chris’s gaze bored into hers.
    What does he mean? Does he know something? Arienne smiled. “And what exactly am I?”
    “A beautiful, courageous woman.”
    “I’m flattered you think so highly of me.”
    “You should, too, but I’m getting the feeling that you don’t.”
    Arienne’s mouth hung open. “I cannot believe you just said that.”
    “I didn’t mean anything by it, but I’m pretty good at reading people, and there’s a sadness about you. A disbelief in yourself.”
    “So you’re psychoanalyzing me now?”
    “No. I’m just saying that you and I just met and I think you’re pretty damn incredible. You should, too.”
    Arienne shivered as Chris took her hand. His thumb brushed over the front of her hand, and she couldn’t help looking into his eyes. His eyes are just like the ocean. A girl could get lost in them. Fight it, Arienne. Fight it. His thumb continued stroking her hand, and her pulse sped up. All this from him touching my hand? I’m in trouble. Arienne

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