The Sapphire Pendant

Free The Sapphire Pendant by Dara Girard

Book: The Sapphire Pendant by Dara Girard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Girard
    “You aren’t angry, are you?”
    “Strangely, no.”
    “I gave it all back,” she said, after a relieved sigh. “I just took little things, like jewelry and pets. Pets were the easiest, because animals like me.”
    Kenneth rested his chin in his hand. “Business is closed permanently now, right? Nobody’s dog is suddenly going to go missing?”
    She lifted her sandwich and took a large bite. “Nope. Now that I’m here, I’m fine. I’m really glad to see you.” She smiled, looking like a chipmunk with its cheeks filled with nuts. “I’m—”
    “Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
    She swallowed. “Dad does.”
    “Well, I’m not talking about your dad. I don’t want you to.”
    “I’ll do anything you say,” she promised. “I am really glad to see you.”
    “I know, little dove.” He patted her cheek. “I’m glad to see you too, but your dad’s probably worried about you.”
    Her smile quickly disappeared, like a passing wind. “Nah, I left him a note.”
    “How long were you planning to visit?”
    “Not long. Perhaps five years or so. Then I can get a real job and move out.”
    Kenneth fell back in his chair, as if a boxer had hit him with a mighty punch. He wouldn’t overreact. He would have a mild stroke, maybe a heart attack, but he wouldn’t overreact. “You mean you’ve come here to stay?”
    “Just till I’m grown,” she assured him. “I won’t be any trouble, I promise.”
    “What’s wrong with home?” He knew the answer, but asked anyway.
    Ace’s serious eyes grew hard, making her look much older. “Because I hate it there. Anyway, Dad doesn’t want me. I was a mistake, remember?”
    Kenneth stood to get something to drink, his mouth suddenly dry. “Your father wasn’t thinking when he said that.”
    “That’s because he was drunk,” she spat out in a bitter tone. “He’s always drunk.”
    Kenneth banged his cup against the counter, annoyed that it was plastic. He felt like shattering something. His younger brother had a serious alcohol problem, but no one could seem to get through to him. He shook his head. “Ace, I’m a busy man. I don’t know what to do with kids.” He poured his drink and took a healthy swallow.
    She came over to him and touched his sleeve. “I won’t be any trouble. I don’t eat much, and I’m clean, and I’ll help out. I’ll be so good, you won’t even know I’m here.” She looked up. Her eyes pleaded with him.
    Kenneth stared out the window, shaking his head. He loved her, but she wasn’t his. He remembered the first time he’d held her, felt the soft curls on her head and looked at her tiny brown eyes, hoping the world would be kind. He’d wanted her, but couldn’t have her, and as time passed, he knew it had been for the best. He had been young and struggling, and hadn’t had much to offer.
    Now he had the money, but not the time or the temperament. He couldn’t be a father. What if he unintentionally hurt her? He would never forgive himself. But he couldn’t send her back right away. He needed to think of something.
    She tugged on his sleeve again. “Please don’t make me go back.” Her voice shook, but she steadied it. “I came all this way. Please.”
    He took off her hat. Her hair needed to be washed. Her jeans hung over her shoes, and her shirt smelled musky, like it hadn’t been washed in a while. He cupped her chin and stared into her face. His voice lowered. “It got really bad, huh?”
    “Dad sprained his ankle because he was so drunk that he tripped over his slippers and fell down the stairs.” She covered her mouth and laughed, but it wasn’t a beautiful sound; it attacked Kenneth’s ears like nails against a chalkboard. He knew her pain and the terrible demon that trapped them both.
    “Well, you won’t see me doing that,” he replied grimly. “For now, you can stay here. But I can’t tell you that it will be fun.”
    Ace nodded. “I’m glad I’m here. I hate my dad.”

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