Flying High

Free Flying High by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Book: Flying High by Rachel Kramer Bussel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Kramer Bussel
Cessnas. It was a spacious four-seater. Most only had two.
    I walked once around the plane with them, showing them what to check for. Eric ran his hand along its length as we strolled, caught up in the aesthetics of the machine, I guess; the clean lines. I only watched Eric, and smiled to myself as I caught Justin eyeing him too.
    We grabbed three headsets off of the rack and headed to the plane with the keys. I tossed them to Eric. “You fly first,” I insisted. He nodded, climbing into the pilot’s seat. I took the copilot position beside him, with identical controls. Justin sat in one of the two rear seats. We put on our headsets and I motioned to Eric to start the plane.
    It whirred to a start with an incredible noise, relaxing into a loud, mellow humming. The engine under us moved with the same sexy body-shaking vibration of a motorcycle, but at a higher pitch. It was a strange sensation because the headsets allowed us to feel the noise with our bodies more than we actually heard it.
    I pointed out the appropriate dials and lights, going through the checklist with both of them. Justin crouched in the tight aisle between us, watching as we worked. At last we were ready. I signaled to Justin to have a seat and we all buckled ourselves in.
    Takeoff was up to Eric, and he executed it perfectly. As we left the ground, he shot me a breathtaking smile from the pilot’s seat, reminding me how much I wanted to have him again. I reached out and stroked him tenderly on the cheek. He touched my thigh briefly in a warm familiar gesture. I wondered what Justin would make of our little exchange, and glanced back at him. He raised an amused eyebrow and grinned. “Good,” I thought. “At least no jealousy.”
    â€œAll right,” I explained through the headset, having to speak
up a little to be heard over the noise. “Here’s the plan. We’re going to take a simple course. Just a long easy arc out over the ocean.” I pulled out a chart, tracing some coordinates for them with my finger. “Should take about an hour give or take.”
    I corrected his course a couple of times, but could see he was getting the hang of it. He was quick to follow whatever instructions I gave. “Check your altimeter,” I said gently. “We want to stay far above the water.” We could all feel the motion as he pulled up. At that moment, I leaned over to kiss him. As always, I could feel the powerful passion behind it. I felt his tongue in my mouth, smooth but insistent. I loved the exhilarating feel of disorientation I felt in the pit of my stomach as the plane inclined.
    â€œHey, hey. Who’s flying up there?” Justin interjected, giving Eric a playful nudge on the shoulder.
    We pulled away from one another. I held Eric’s eyes with mine and licked my lips. “Delicious,” I purred. I turned to Justin then. Leaning into the aisle, I unbuckled my safety belt and kissed him. He kissed me back hard on the mouth, reaching up to knead my breast with his hand through my shirt. I moved away and settled back into my chair, collecting myself.
    They both knew the questions. “Do you want me?” I asked.
    â€œYes,” they both answered. From his expression, it was obvious Eric couldn’t believe this was happening here, with someone else so close by. He looked cautiously into the backseat.
    â€œDo you trust me?” I asked.
    â€œYes,” replied Justin quietly. Eric looked from one to the other of us, a little confused. I held his chin with my hand, turning his face gently toward me. I repeated the question.
    â€œYes,” he said.
    â€œAre you going to do what I say?”

    They both answered sincerely. “Yes.”
    â€œGood,” I said. I gestured at the panel. “Flip that switch and give me control.” He did.
    â€œNow give each other a kiss,” I said. I looked straight ahead as I said this, as if it was a minor, offhand demand. I

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