Five Wicked Kisses - A Tasty Regency Tidbit
her to sell, her hair notwithstanding. Her jewelry now consisted of the strand of pearls about her neck and a single bracelet. The walls of her suite were entirely bare of paintings, though she could not bring herself to sell her books. Yet.
    The silver would have to be next, and it would become obvious that she wasn’t simply selling her own belongings for a bit of extra pin money.
    Once Society heard of her family’s utter destitution, no one would want to marry her. She must be firmly engaged before that happened.
    Letting out a quiet breath, she went with Henrietta, careful not to glance toward the ballroom doors. She could not bear to see Robert surrounded by the shimmer of colorful gowns and even more brilliant smiles, knowing she had long ago forfeited her place there.
    Robert Pembroke watched as the slender figure in the blue gown moved out of sight - not that any of the ladies buzzing around him could tell where his attention was fixed. To all but the keenest observer, his interest appeared to be upon their laughing flirtations.
    He could have his pick of the dashing widows and adventurous females. Since becoming the Earl of Eastbrook, he had never wanted for company in his bed. But tonight he would not choose any of the lovelies to dally with, despite their obviously-displayed charms.
    No. His thoughts were on one woman alone - a woman with hair like sunlight and the lithe body of a nymph. A woman he had once thought he loved, until she had so cruelly broken his heart.
    He had waited four long years to claim revenge on Juliana Tate. Tomorrow, his retribution would begin.

    “Miss Juliana, you have a caller. I have put him in the salon.” The butler bowed and presented her the salver with a thick vellum card centered upon it.
    Oh no. She did not need to pick it up to read the broad script. Robert Pembroke, Earl of Eastbrook .
    Her lungs tightened and a tingle of nerves coursed up her spine. Robert. Here. In the parlor downstairs.
    “Did he give you a reason for his visit? Is he here to see father?”
    “He specifically asked for you, mistress.”
    Juliana drew in a steadying breath. “Well, then.”
    She raised a hand to her hair, and quashed the foolish urge to change into a better gown. There were no better gowns, not since father had gambled away all of their money.
    It was fashionable to keep callers waiting, but she preferred to face her problems head-on. She went downstairs, passing the silent study where Father sequestered himself. He emerged only at suppertime, and sometimes not even then. It was how he had always dealt with problems, by ignoring them - though the nature of their troubles was more severe, of late.
    Pausing before the parlor, Juliana smoothed her hair one last time, then pushed open the door.
    The room seemed suddenly very small with Robert in it, a tall, dark-haired force of nature. She could not help but stare at him, the face she kept in her memory - chiseled cheekbones and mobile lips, hair on the long side of fashionable, and eyes lit with golden fire.
    “Miss Tate.” He was before her in two steps.
    Before she could think to move away, he took her hand and bowed. His grip was firm and insistent.
    She felt her pulse race as his attention traveled slowly over her body. His gaze lingered at her legs, her chest, her throat - where she could feel her pulse beating wildly - before he lifted his eyes to her face again.
    “You are looking well.” The dark promise in his voice shot a tingle up her spine.
    Rake . Scoundrel . The words echoed through her body and she felt reckless heat rise in her cheeks. Was this truly the same Robert she had stolen kisses with in the apple orchard, four spring-times ago? Had becoming an earl changed him that much?
    She pulled her hand out of his grasp. “Why are you here?”
    It was altogether blunt of her, but she could not maintain her composure long enough to play the formal hostess with him. The only

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