Pride Before the Fall

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Book: Pride Before the Fall by JoAnna Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: JoAnna Grace
him, reaching another pinnacle—so many that he'd lost track—he rolled her over, tucked her close to his side under a half-shredded blanket and let her sleep. It was obviously the first time she'd rested in days.
    The fever came back once, but she barely stirred. She was so exhausted she never gained consciousness. Kasey retrieved the cooling blanket and gently tucked her in. When she did wake up, she was going to be hungry. He'd brought two backpacks full of meat. Bianca was going to be surprised when she went to the kitchen the next morning and found the refrigerator empty. But Kasey didn't care. This was for his woman, his mate, and nothing was too good for her.
    As much as he'd worn her down, she would sleep for a while so he put the food away and went back into the bedroom. Vivian was so incredibly beautiful as she slept. A sheet of auburn hair spread out over the pillow. Lightly bronzed skin stood out against the white of the sheets. She had lovely lips and dark lashes that fanned out over her cheek. Never had he seen anything more enticing in his life.
    He was going to have to replace a few blankets... and pillows... and perhaps that lamp... the headboard didn't fare too well, either. Kasey smiled as he thought about how his kitty's claws had kept her body anchored as he'd taken her as high as she could go. Even then his body tightened in anticipation of making love to her again. He crawled back into bed and caught some sleep before she woke. His kitty cat would need him at full strength.
    * * * * *
    Vivian slowly blinked open her eyes. Her fever made it too hot for sleep. The tiger within was coming out of her lazy stupor and was seeking the rugged and vigorous man who had sated her last night.
    Kasey was sprawled out and sleeping next to her. He hadn't bothered to put on clothes and he was looking rather delicious. Even though Vivian was less enamored than her cat, she could still appreciate the fine specimen. Kasey was muscle from head to toe. Ribbed abs, bulging arms, thick thighs and thick... everything . No wonder she was sore.
    She only remembered some of what happened last night. Her memories were foggy because the tiger had taken over. It had been furious and primitive. Her tiger had been desperate for rough sex. Kasey had the marks to prove it. All over his body were bites and scratches. What the hell had she done?
    "You, my sweet kitten, screwed me into oblivion." He answered her question, picked it right from her head. Kasey tilted his face to her as he opened his eyes. He smiled and Vivian loathed the butterflies that lit in her stomach. That smile was perfect and bright and warm.
    Then she realized how he knew what she was thinking. It made her head spin. Mates can read each other's thoughts. She cringed and sat up, turning her back to him. Vivian rubbed the heel of her hand over her forehead. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't. She couldn't hear his thoughts so maybe she could block him out?
    "You're not trying," Kasey said just before he moved on the bed. He put his legs on either side of her and pulled her back against his chest. "I can hear your thoughts because I want to." Warm lips brushed across her bare shoulder as he pushed her hair aside. "I want to know everything about you, kitten. So your cat lets my wolf have access to your thoughts. It's to strengthen the bond."
    As good as his body felt cocooned around her, Vivian knew the inevitable truth. "You know this will never work."
    "Says who?" He kept kissing up her neck until his lips turned her resolve to mush.
    "I, uh, um, if we stay here we will..." No coherent thought came to her mind. She needed to tell him, warn him of what would happen if Trace found them. Instead, her cat told her to shut the hell up and make love to Kasey. She lifted her arm to touch his face, run her fingers through that black hair. Warm, rough hands cupped her breasts and her eyes rolled back in her head.
    "I've claimed you as mine, kitten. Your family is under my

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