Pride Before the Fall

Free Pride Before the Fall by JoAnna Grace

Book: Pride Before the Fall by JoAnna Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: JoAnna Grace
cooling blanket and hot tub. Her fever would spike and the pain would hit levels she didn't think possible, and when it receded, it left her shivering, frozen to the bone. The highs and lows wreaked havoc on her body. Her muscles ached and her head felt disconnected from her shoulders.
    The thing that hurt the most was the unfulfilled need from the cat to be mated. Vivian knew the difference between what the human side of her was experiencing and what the cat experienced. Her tiger was in dire need of sexual release. The fever and body aches were mere side effects. Under her itching skin was a female who knew her male was nearby and she was foaming at the mouth to get to him.
    Late in the night, after days with little or no sleep, Vivian had just drifted off when she swore she'd been injected with kerosene and lit on fire. The cat scratched at her insides trying to get through her skin.
    She picked up her phone and called Melissa. "Why am I worse?" she cried out in agony. "It's my fourth day. It shouldn't be this bad."
    "Oh, Vivian! I'm sorry, I know you don't want to hear this, but it's because your cat wants its mate. She hangs on longer, waiting. Just call him, V. Please. I can't stand for you to go through this alone. Please, please, just let him ease you."
    "Damnittohell! Fine!" Vivian hung up on Melissa and dialed another number.
    "This is Kasey," he answered.
    "This is your fault, you prick! You made me like this, now you fucking fix it!"
    Vivian hung up and threw the phone down, hating that she'd given in. Her tiger was pleased and eased up on her fractionally. Vivian wiped the tears trailing down her face. She never cried. It had been beaten into her in a literal way. But tonight she cracked. Forcing herself to move, she made her way to the shower. It was a quick shower. The water spray was like needles piercing her skin, but at least she was clean and her tiger contained.
    As soon as her cat picked up Kasey's scent, her eyes changed. The cat practically sighed with relief. Finally , thought the animal within. Take him hard and fast. Forget the formalities. I need him. Any other time, Vivian might have called her cat a slut. But at that time, she was inclined to agree. She and Kasey could talk later.
    As soon as he came through the door, she pounced, slamming him up against the wall, mouth-to-mouth, tongue tangling with tongue. He dropped the bags in his hands and latched on to her hips. Fresh from the shower, she was naked and her hair still wet. It didn't matter. The instant his body pressed against her, Vivian lost all rational thought.


    Kasey didn't know what to do. Here was Vivian, naked, wet, and smelling like strawberries attacking him—not exactly the woman he was accustomed to. One look at those yellow eyes and he knew what was happening. Vivian wasn't home. He was dealing with the cat. And this kitty wanted sex. By the time she had sliced though his sweatpants, Kasey was calling on his wolf. There was no way he could handle her like this trying to be completely human. It was the reason female shifters were taught from a young age not to turn to human partners when in heat. They could kill them.
    Kasey picked her up by her hips, her legs clamping down around his waist, and took her to the bedroom. If Vivian wanted rough, she was going to get it. Finesse and seduction weren't in the cards this time. Kasey threw her on the bed, spread her legs and plunged two fingers into her sex. She was beyond ready. Lowering his body over hers, he slammed into her. Vivian screamed and her hands went to grip the sheets. He spared her a moment to adjust, then gave his kitty cat what she needed. And it was bloody fantastic.
    Over and over, orgasm after orgasm until he thought he would die from the pleasure. He didn't hold anything back; he explored every inch of her succulent skin, bit and tasted until he was sure he'd partaken in every one of her exotic delicacies. And when she literally collapsed on top of

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