Between Hope & the Highway

Free Between Hope & the Highway by Charissa Stastny

Book: Between Hope & the Highway by Charissa Stastny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charissa Stastny
blinked them into submission.
    “I thought you liked hanging out.”
    “That’s before I knew my parents paid you.” I hobbled in the direction of the house.
    “Wait.” She caught up to me and blocked my path. “No one’s paying me to hang out with you. Who told you that?”
    I stared at my boots.
    “Was it your brother?” When I didn’t answer, she said, “You should better than to believe that.” She pivoted and marched back to the horses.
    As I watched her go, I wanted to call after her, but words stuck in my throat. Turning the opposite direction, I made my way to the office. Right step…left leg-lift, swing-out, step-down and wince. Right step. Focusing all my energy into walking smoothly, I made my way up the stairs and barged into Dad’s office without knocking.
    He looked up from his desk. “What is it, son? I’m busy.”
    “Are you paying Lizzie extra to take care of me and Addie?”
    He gave me a strange look. “Why in Sam’s hill would I do that?”
    “It’s just that she hangs out with me, and I thought maybe she did it because you asked her to.”
    He shuffled papers on his desk. “I don’t tell any of the hands what they should do in their free time. If Liz has decided to spend hers with you, you should treasure the time together. It’s a gift.”
    I left before he could glimpse my tears. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I ran into my brother.
    “Hey, Big Ben. What’s the rush?”
    I sniffed and attempted to man up, but Rawson still noted my glistening eyes.
    “Whoa.” He grabbed my shoulders. “What’s wrong, bro? Did Dad get after you?”
    “No.” I rubbed my eyes against my sleeve. “It’s just allergies.”
    His expression screamed doubt, but he didn’t call me out. “Want to go riding?”
    “Nah. I need an allergy pill.” It didn’t feel right accepting a ride with him after rejecting Liz.
    “We could watch a movie. I need a Star Wars fix.”
    “How about a rain-check?”
    “Is your leg paining you?”
    “No. I’m just worn out.”
    Rawson walked me back to the house. “You sure you’re okay?” he asked as I dragged my gimp leg up the stairs.
    “Don’t worry about me.” His coddling attitude made me bristle.
    “I’ll always worry about you, homey. You my bro.”
    We both sounded stupider than a hick on Wall Street when we used our ghetto lingo, but it made me relax. “I love you, dawg.”
    “Ditto, homeslice.”
    I snorted. “You made that up.”
    He winked. “Get feeling better, kid.”
    As I reached the landing and spotted Lizzie’s closed door, I wanted to kick the wall. Why had I allowed my insecurities and stupid pride to rule me?

    Chapter 15
    Something was bothering my brother, I could tell. As I watched him trudge upstairs, I wondered what had upset him. I was about to walk away when I saw him pass his door and disappear down the hall. Probably heading to that girl’s room. When I heard a light knock, I knew I’d guessed correctly.
    Curious, I crept upstairs and stood outside her open door. The thought of Benny interacting with the girl didn’t sit well with me. My brother’s wavering voice carried into the hall.
    “I’m sorry, Lizzie.”
    “What happened?”
    There was a long pause. “I thought you were being paid to babysit me.”
    “How could you think that? You’re one of my best friends.”
    My brother sniffed. “Sorry for being a jerk.”
    Silence made me peek around the corner. The girl had pulled him into a hug. “If every guy was as jerky as you, this world would be heaven.”
    I eased back so as not to be caught.
    “Now that you’re not confused, should we take Addie to WALL-E on Saturday?”
    “Yeah. And let’s go riding tomorrow.”
    “Okay. I’ll make arrangements with Seth to teach me how to drive that old truck your dad said I could use. I’m kind of scared to learn stick shift.”
    “Ah, it’s simple.”
    “Easy for you to say since you’ve never driven.”

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