Hells Royalty The Princess

Free Hells Royalty The Princess by Jessica Wennberg

Book: Hells Royalty The Princess by Jessica Wennberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Wennberg
could not guide me in the battle to come or even my life
in general.  I cried for Jace because he was so sweet and he deserved
someone who could love him whole heartedly, not someone who only had the shell
of a heart.  I cried because I could not be the one who could do that for
him and that made me sad for myself.  I only cried for myself because I
wished I could be normal and never have to deal with any of this stuff but then
I remember how wonderful magic is and the many good things that I can and often
do with my magic and that makes me cry even more.  I really cry for my
love for Grayson and how it can never be shown or given to him.  I keep
crying getting all the emotions out of my body because I know firsthand how
they can manipulate spells and magic and make it go awry.  As the tears
start slowing I feel the first drops of a summer rain and I look up into the
sky that is only light gray and a nice shower begins to fall.  Then I send
my message to Gray, knowing as soon as I send the rain on it will seek him out
and give it to him for me.
    I whisper the message, "Gray, it’s me Kat.  I need
to warn you! A demon named Aaron is after me, he is strong, nasty and very
manipulative.  He wants to use you to get to me and a prophet saw that he
will be sending someone to capture you.  Please be careful and keep your
head down.  Please stay safe for me! Don't trust anyone.  I will
contact you when I know more. Take care and don't take chances." I was
done and I sent the rain to find him, thanking it and mother earth for her
services.  I wiped my face and headed back to the house.  The rain
would find him as soon as it could and I could only hope that he took to heart
what I said.
    As I headed to the house a thought came to me about how to
open the journals for Jace.  Since his mom knew my mom and she had helped
to create the locks; they would have known I would be the one to help him open
them.  I wonder!

Chapter 8--Truths, Feelings, and Raindrops
    Luckily Jace had brought over all the journals this morning
when he came back.  I only needed to settle down and test my theory.
    Unlike my books that my mom had spelled to open at certain
ages of my life when I should learn more, his were still sealed shut even after
he began having visions.  That made me curious, so we tried a drop of his
blood on the seal but nothing.
    "Damn it!" I muttered a little louder than I
should have.  What is the problem, why won’t they open?
    I was trying all the spells that I believed that my mom
would use and still nothing with his blood.  As I was getting more
frustrated with my mom and her complicated spells Jace sat down beside me and
decided that this was the opportune time to ask me some personal questions.
    "So my visions that we talked about earlier, can you
help me better understand this?" He asked warily, it almost sounded like
he doubted what I had already told him.  Well isn't this just dandy!
    I sat the journal down on the coffee table and looked up at
him to explain in better detail just what exactly he wanted me to help him
    "Well, I mean what good reason would this Aaron guy
want to capture and kill a vampire and even me?  I just can’t make any
sense out of it." He sighed clearly frustrated.
    Jeez oh Pete, was he thick headed or really just that naïve?
    "Ok, well look at it this way.  Grayson Marx is
one of the only good dark creatures that has gone above and beyond to help me,
by saving my life and then helping to kill demons and send them back to
hell.  He does what I do, just on a different level because he can get
closer to some of the stronger vampires and other creatures that I haven't been
able to yet.  The death of him would allow many demons to live and wreak
havoc on human lives." I was trying to not sound exasperated by his question
and I was also trying to avoid the details that involved the story of me loving
Grayson and that I would do anything to save him.
    "Ok so I understand

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