Hells Royalty The Princess

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Book: Hells Royalty The Princess by Jessica Wennberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Wennberg
your reasoning it just seems weird
to me that Aaron would choose to kill someone you haven't seen in years. 
Why me though and also if he is so strong like he looks in the picture why
hasn't he been able to capture you yet?" he sounded like he was grasping
at anything to get answers out of me.
    "Why you?" I scoffed at him, guessing that he was
really not all that bright, how could he not see what his life means.
    "Hmm, well let’s see.  You are a new prophet, a
young one that he could capture.  Once he captured you he would probably
keep you captive so as you had visions you would be able to tell him what you saw
and he could manipulate when and how he wanted to.  This would mean that
he would probably cause a lot of problems and let a lot of good people die who
should live and let a lot of bad people live who should have died.  He
could let the next Hitler live and help him take over the world.  A demon
having a prophet all to himself would be a very dangerous thing.  Prophets
usually have some sort of protector, a guardian of sorts to keep them safe from
demons such as him." I looked to him as he was deep in thought.
    After a few minutes he nodded like he finally understood
what his life would mean if it fell into the hands of Aaron or any demon. 
I decided to go on and answer his very demeaning question, why I hadn't been
caught yet.
    "As for Aaron and his strong powers, I am simply
smarter and better than he is.  Yes he is a very strong demon, probably
one of the strongest who has come after me, but the others haven't simply just
stumbled across me and found me.  No, whenever I would get the sense that
there were within 20 miles of me I would go seek them out and let it look like
they had discovered where I had been hiding.  When truth is it was me who
used my witch powers to track them down.  Aaron can only rely on his demon
powers and I'm betting a dark witch is helping him also, but she is not strong
like me.  Once you start using dark magic Mother Nature will turn her back
on you and not assist you in even the simplest of tasks.  I only rely on
my natural powers that mother earth has lent to me and because of that I have
some wicked abilities.  I am able to cloak myself so that I cannot be
scryed for or found in spells.  I also use magic to wipe out most of the
traces I may have left behind so that helps out a lot when it comes to leaving
a trail.  I use my witch magic more than my demon powers so that's why I
believe he appears stronger than me in your visions?" I finished up my
spill on why I am actually better than Aaron, and it had nothing to do with
pride, yeah right.
    "Well that's good because I would really hate for your
demon powers to take over now when you have me in your clutches." Jace
joked but I didn't laugh because I was the only one who knew how close those
dark, demon powers were under the surface and how easily I could tap them and
use them.  He noticed that I did not laugh so he sobered up and went on
with his questions.
    "Ok so how do we stop Aaron from capturing Grayson and
myself?" he was all serious now, I could tell this was something that he
did not want to happen.
    "Well that is a damn good question.  I have
already sent a warning to Grayson to stay low and keep his eyes open. 
Hopefully that will be enough because that is about all we can do about
Grayson, short of bringing him here and protecting him.  As for you, you
have the best guardian around, me." I shrugged my shoulders showing that I
was well capable of taking care of him.
    I looked out the window at the sky which had a beautiful
blue color.  It was so peaceful looking, like nothing bad could ever
happen.  I could only sit and hope that my warning found Gray in time so
that he would not be captured, I don't think my heart could handle him being
    "Ok, so if this Grayson gets your warning and protects
himself, I should probably see a change in the vision then, right?" Jace
asked hopefully.
    "Maybe, but

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