Hells Royalty The Princess

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Book: Hells Royalty The Princess by Jessica Wennberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Wennberg
I'm not sure.  I don't really know how
all the vision stuff works, that's kind of why we need to get these journals
opened so you can learn your heritage." I picked the journal back up and
run my fingers along the paper edges, thinking again.
    "One last question and I will let you get back to the
journals.  How do we prepare for the battle with Aaron?  We know it
will more than likely happen regardless of who he captures." He was all
solemn now.
    How do we prepare ourselves for the battle with Aaron? 
Like I hadn't been preparing myself for that battle already for the past few
years without knowing who I was actually fighting.
    "Well Jace, I honestly don't know.  I do know that
I have one more journal that has yet to open and I figure it will open the
night I turn 21.  So I have less than a week before I have full powers and
full knowledge of what I can do and what my powers hold.  I can only hope
that Aaron does not find me before then because I don't know if I will be ready
for him.  If he does happen to find me the only thing I can do to prepare
is make sure all my defensive spells are well versed, my herbs and magic are
fully stocked and that I have no distractions to keep me from performing at my
total best.  I need to be able to protect myself and others from what he
might dish out but until then we need to get you familiarized with your history
because you only have 3 days before you turn 21 and get your full powers."
I looked at my finger where I had been rubbing it along the pages and saw that
is was starting to prickle with a drop of blood and just like that the book
sucked it in and began to glow.
    "Jace I think we got it.  Give me your finger I
need another drop of your blood." I said quietly like it would make this
not real if I talked in a voice louder than a whisper.
    He sliced his finger and placed it on the paper edges where
mine had been and instantly the book turned hot and opened for us.
    "You did it, you actually opened the journals!" he
exclaimed and yanked me up off the couch into a bear hug.  Again he kissed
me on the temple and that tingling came back in my gut and made me feel
    He let go and scooped up the journal, anxious to see what
secrets that it held.  I decided that this was something that he would need
to look at alone.  He would need time to learn the history and the
future.  This was a huge step for him and for me, because I had just come
to the realization that my mother knew this would be happening.  She would
have been told of this future event, there was no other way around it. 
She wouldn't have been able to create the lock that she had without the
knowledge.  I left the house and headed to the back porch.
    I let a few silent tears fall at what I had just realized
and I was completely and utterly devastated.  How could she have not let
me know this?  She could have left me a note in a journal about this; it
would have made this so much easier.
    I don't know how long I had sat on the steps but I had
managed to lie down on the steps and had been centering myself, grounding my
magic.  A confused witch is a dangerous witch and I did not need to be in
that position.  I had to center my feelings and emotions; otherwise they
could really mess up my spells.  It was dark now and I could hear Jace'
footsteps coming through the kitchen to the porch.
    I stayed where I was; I was not in the mood to accommodate
anyone else at the moment.  He could sit elsewhere.
    He took the step above me so that he was looking down on me,
then he did something else shocking and laid down on his stomach so that his
head was right above mine.
    "What are you doing out here and all alone none the
less?" he said quietly and sweetly.
    I breathed out slowly, “I needed some air and needed to
center myself.  This is a lot to take in and I just had to sort some
things out." I turned my head to the woods feeling something pressing
against the ward.
    "Ahh, I figured that.  I'm assuming

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