Undaunted Hope

Free Undaunted Hope by Jody Hedlund

Book: Undaunted Hope by Jody Hedlund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jody Hedlund
Tags: FIC042040, FIC042030, FIC027050
bright red. “She seems like a very nice lady,” Michael mumbled.
    Gunnar was blushing too.
    Like father, like son. The two were enamored with Tessa Taylor and too shy even to look her in the eyes. Alex would have to tease them mercilessly later.
    For now, however, someone needed to take charge of the situation. He turned a bold gaze upon her. No one could ever accuse him of being shy. “I think we all agree that your new teacher is very pretty.”
    He regarded her appreciatively. She was wearing the samegreen skirt and matching bodice she’d had on the first day she arrived, only this time it was dry and sewn together. The color served to highlight her creamy complexion and bring out the brightness of her eyes. At his perusal, some of the strain eased from Tessa’s features, and a smile almost made it to her lips.
    So, she liked compliments? Well, he liked giving them.
    â€œMr. Bjorklund,” Tessa began.
    Michael lifted his face and responded with “Yes” at the same moment as Alex.
    Tessa glanced between them, her smile widening.
    â€œYou’re more than welcome to call me Michael,” Michael said shyly.
    â€œThen Michael it is,” Tessa said, giving Michael a smile.
    When Michael returned Tessa’s smile, Alex could only stare. His brother hadn’t smiled at another woman since his wife had died.
    â€œWould you be willing to allow Gunnar and Ingrid to attend my special spelling classes?” Tessa asked. “I’ll be hosting a spelling bee this winter for all those who participate in the class.”
    â€œSure. They can attend,” Michael said readily. From the puppy-dog look on his face, Alex had the feeling his brother would agree to anything Tessa requested, even if she asked him for half his worldly possessions, which unfortunately wasn’t much at the moment.
    Ingrid gave a small cheer of happiness, hobbled over to Michael, and hugged him. Tessa watched the interaction between father and daughter with a wistful smile. Then she glanced around the room again unable to hide a shudder as she stepped toward the kitchen door.
    He tried to view the room as she saw it—the mismatched andworn furniture, the faded carpet, and then the miscellaneous tools he’d stacked on one of the end tables.
    They’d missed earning the superintendent’s Efficiency Star this past summer because the house had been “too disorganized and unkempt.” Alex couldn’t understand why the inspector didn’t put more weight on the things that mattered, like a flawless record of lighting the lantern, or their above average lifesaving rescues.
    Every time the inspector visited, the older man shook his head at the condition of the keeper’s dwelling and told them he could dismiss them for not keeping the house cleaner. But one look at Michael and the children always softened the inspector’s heart. He knew they were bachelors trying to raise two children on their own. So he always left with the same warning to do better the next time.
    Now they had no choice. They had to do better the next time. If they had any hope of raising enough money for Ingrid’s surgery, they needed the bonus that came with the Efficiency Star.
    â€œI really must be going,” Tessa said, but then she stopped as her attention caught on a wooden crate sitting next to the sofa. Her eyes rounded and she sucked in a breath.
    She went to the box, knelt next to it, and peered inside. “Oh, heaven,” she said, stroking one of the spines reverently. She whispered several of the titles. “ Alice in Wonderland , Little Women , Great Expectations . Where did you get all these books?”
    â€œThe Lighthouse Tender Crew brought them the last time they delivered supplies,” Alex answered.
    â€œSince when do tender crews deliver books?”
    â€œApparently they’re trying something new with the books. They hope to start a lending library of sorts

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