My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

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Book: My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) by Sylvia McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia McDaniel
Tags: contemporary romance novel
could have a lot of fun with this information and Brent Moulton. He is attracted to you, isn’t he?" she queried.
    "I'm not certain. One moment I think he's interested and the next he's done a complete three-sixty. Two weeks ago he was upset with me because I vetoed his bachelor auction. Now all I know is that he likes my homemade chicken soup.”
    “Chicken soup?”
    “Never mind, that’s a different story,” Jennifer said, glancing at the clock and knowing that she had to leave very soon.
    Julia took a sip of coffee, gazing intently at her twin. "You still haven’t told me how you feel about him. Are you still in love with him?"
    She'd so wanted to avoid this question, but knew instinctively that Julia would not let her back away from the truth. "Of course not. I was a kid then. It’s been too many years, and we’re different people now. Besides, he’s completely commitment phobic."
    "Commitment phobic?"
    "Yeah, as in, he's never marrying because his father's been married five times and is about to go through yet another divorce."
    "Whoa, I can understand why," Julia said with a frown. "Brent thinks he slept with me, and you still have feelings for him, and he's not interested in marriage. Hmm…"
    "I no longer have feelings for him. He’s incredibly smart, sexy, and entertaining. Fun to date, nothing more," she said, though from the look on Julia's face, she knew her twin wasn’t listening.
    "The solution is simple you know," Julia said, her eyes wide, her expression matter-of-fact. "Don't tell him it was you all those years ago, and then seduce him."
    “Seduce him? Who said I wanted to have sex with him again?”
    Julia rolled her eyes at her. “Come on, I recognize the signs.”
    How could she deny it when the thought had crossed her mind many times? God they looked alike and sometimes even thought alike. "And what would that gain me?"
    "You either get him out of your system once and for all, or Brent will realize that he was with the wrong twin all those years ago."
    "Seems too simple," Jennifer responded. Would one quick boff get him out of her mind? Besides, too many years had passed for him to realize it was her, not Julia, that night. Yet maybe she could get on with her job at County General and erase him from her memory once and for all.
    But could she seduce Brent and then walk away? Casual sex was not something she usually indulged in.
    “It’s the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep it simple, stupid.”
    Jennifer glanced at her watch, set her coffee cup on the table, and gave Julia a slow smile. "I have to run, but I’ll give your advice some consideration."
    Julia waved her hand. "Go to your class, and we'll talk about the seduction of Brent Moulton later. It'll be fun."
    Jennifer walked by and gave her sister a hug. "Thanks for being so understanding. Most sisters would never forgive me for what I did."
    "We all do foolish things when we're young." Julia laughed. "Me and Brent Moulton doing the nasty in the back of his car. Ha! That's the best laugh I've had in years. I should feel sorry for the poor confused man, but I don't."

Chapter Five
    The Tai Chi class helped clear some of the fuzziness from Jennifer's mind, yet she still felt the need to practice her moves. Mainly she hated being indoors on such a beautiful spring day. So she took the hiking path away from the recreation center until she came to a clearing in the midst of the tall pine trees. In a remote section of the park, she practiced the first circle of Buddha's stamp, her mind focused on her breathing and on moving her arms and legs correctly. She shifted her weight to her right foot and curved her arm in front of her.
    The sound of someone running came from behind, but she continued with her right arm curved horizontally, her palm facing up. Her eyes were open, but she focused on relaxing, trying to keep her toes pointed in the right direction as she pivoted on her heels.
    Laughter erupted behind her, jerking her out of the calm

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