My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1)

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Book: My Sister's Boyfriend (The Trouble With Twins 1) by Sylvia McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia McDaniel
Tags: contemporary romance novel
Brent. And then he asked you out and the jealousy monster held me in its grip. I was so envious, and you didn't seem to care that the best-looking guy in school had asked you for a date."
    Julia seemed stunned and then she spoke. "We've never kept secrets before. So why didn't you tell me you cared about him?"
    Jennifer shrugged. She'd kept her feelings for Brent a secret for many years, her fear of hurting Julia silencing her. "Because I loved you and worried you loved him too."
    "Oh Jennifer, we were friends, that's all. He's handsome, but he's not my type," Julia insisted. "So what happened that night?"
    Her twin gazed at her expectantly. "I was so naïve. I thought just one date with Brent and he would fall in love with me.”
    Julia shook her head. "You were a kid."
    "I made the suggestion that we trade places that night so that I could get my dream date with Brent. I had this elaborate teenage fantasy that he would realize that I was Jennifer—not the quiet little mouse everyone perceived me to be, but someone he would instantly fall in love with."
    Julia shook her head. "You were never a quiet little mouse."
    "Whatever. That night we had the best time. We laughed and joked. We played games, and though he called me Julia, he treated me special. And later when we went out to Lookout Point on Lake Palestine, I foolishly believed he was falling in love with me. Not you, but me ."
    Jennifer shook her head. "I should have been honest with him. I should have told you years ago." She couldn't look at her sister, so she stared at the clock on the kitchen wall, wishing she could turn back the hands of time and do things differently. "I…I let things go too far that night."
    Julia groaned. "What do you mean you let things go too far?"
    A flush as big as Texas spread across her cheeks as Julia stared at her.
    "You didn't?"
    Jennifer nodded, wishing Julia would yell at her or do something to ease this pain. "Yes, I did. I had sex with Brent Moulton in the backseat of his car. And he thought I was you."
    Regret wracked Jennifer as she watched Julia cover her face with her hands.
    "Oh my God."
    "I'm sorry, Julia. I should have told him before I got out of the car, but I felt so stupid. He kept saying your name and I felt like such a fool for thinking he'd know the difference between us. I let my teenage infatuation guide me, and I behaved so naïvely. You have every right to hate me."
    "I don’t hate you,” Julia replied, removing her hands, an incredulous look on her face. “You’re my twin and I’ll always love you. But did he ever learn the truth?"
    Jennifer cringed. "No, he still thinks you were in his backseat that night."
    Julia started laughing.
    "This isn't funny," Jennifer said, watching her sister skeptically. "You should be yelling at me, not laughing."
    "Would you rather I be angry?" she asked, her voice rising.
    “No,” Jennifer replied, baffled at her sister’s reaction.
    "Thank God so many years have passed, or I would be tempted to strangle you." She giggled. "But now it’s funny. All these years he's thought that he had sex with me. What if I'd run into him at the grocery store?"
    Jennifer shrugged, ashamed at how her actions could have hurt her sister.
    "Now years later, he's gone to dinner with you, and the whole time he must be thinking, 'Oh my God, I slept with her sister.' The debonair doctor has to be feeling very uncomfortable, especially if he's attracted to you."
    Jennifer frowned at the sudden realization. "He's hardly attracted to me. Besides, he's a man. Would he feel embarrassed?"
    "Maybe not embarrassed, but uncomfortable. After all he'd be afraid I would tell you. He'd be frightened of us comparing notes."
    "To be honest, part of me wants to confess to him that it was me that night. Just to get it off my conscience."
    "Oh no, you can't do that just yet.”
    “Why?” Jennifer had seen that look on Julia’s face before. It was one that had gotten her sister in trouble often.
    “Because we

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