
Free Underwater by Julia McDermott

Book: Underwater by Julia McDermott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia McDermott
    “What are you talking about? Last April, you said all the work would be finished by the end of the summer, and you’d get the certificate of occupancy. That didn’t happen. Then you got the home equity loan and said the renovation would be complete by January. You said you’d take photos and get it on the market, and you haven’t done it. What’s the story on that?”
    “We’ve had several cost overruns that have caused a delay. They were unavoidable.”
    “Where’s the evidence of these ‘ cost overruns’? Explain them to me, Monty. Where’s the transparency?”
    “I cannot even believe that I’m related to you,” he said. “We must have different fathers.”
    “You’re an asshole.”
    “ You are a crazy, paranoid, insecure, calculating bitch with a germ phobia and a weight obsession. You won’t succeed in manipulating me—”
    “Me manipulate you ? Monty, you’re projecting,” she said and gave a harsh laugh. “It’s you who’ve been manipulating me. For years.”
    “Fuck you, Candace. That’s complete bullshit. Your narcissism is incredible. I told you I needed more money last month and you ignored me. Do you realize that we’re still living in the guesthouse?”
    “Are you telling me the house isn’t livable? That you still don’t have the C.O.?”
    “Here’s what I’m saying. Listen carefully. We have another baby on the way. You’ve refused to provide the funds I need to finish the renovation. You know the market has been spiraling downward. You invested in the property, and if you keep on withholding money, if I have to walk away from that house, you’re the one who’s going to be fucked. Not me.”
    “What in the hell are you talking about?”
    “Ask David.”
    “I will. Look, Monty. You’ve allowed this project to run massively over budget. If you need more money to complete it, go get a job and make the money.”
    “I don’t have time for a job, Candace.”
    She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. Then she exhaled. “Why not? What is so hard about getting up off your ass and going to work every day?”
    Monty huffed. “I am working—seven days a week—as the unpaid general contractor on this property. Every bit of Helen’s salary is already out the door before she brings it in. I’m not being compensated for what I do, and because of that, we have no extra money.”
    “Are you saying you want funds from me to pay yourself a salary? Good God, Monty. The ongoing financial issues you and Helen have are not my fault, nor is the state of the real estate market.”
    “I am saying that I’m acting as general contractor. I’m working. I’m doing everything that needs to be done, and I get no credit for it, no money, and no respect.”
    “I don’t believe for a second that you’re ‘ working’ every day. If you are, let’s see the proof. What’s more, I didn’t have to do anything for you financially.”
    “Then why did you? As I recall, you said you believed in me, and in this project. That Dad would have loved doing one like it, that he would have wanted me to do it—”
    “ You said that, Monty.”
    “Do you think he would want his grandchildren to be living in a crappy little cottage while you keep us from finishing the house?”
    “Look. It’s not me who’s responsible for this situation. Here’s the reality: as a huge favor, I agreed to loan you a considerable sum to buy the place, renovate it, and sell it. You insisted that when you were finished, you’d be able to get three times what you paid for it. You’ve put my money at risk and your own credit in jeopardy. You’ve dragged your feet, lied to me, and refused to provide the documentation that you agreed to.”
    “You must be hallucinating from lack of calories.”
    “Monty, join the real world. Live up to your commitments and stop being delusional. Your behavior is absolutely inexcusable. You should be expressing only gratitude toward me, not any kind of

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