Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club)

Free Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club) by Amanda Meadows

Book: Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club) by Amanda Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Meadows
life for a change.” Chest heaving, he turned and stormed from the room. “I can't even deal with you right now.”
    Moments later, she heard the door slam and feet pounding down the stairs. She ran to the living room and peeked out. He was running down the driveway. She was still so angry herself that she wanted to punish him for simply leaving in the middle of a fight. She struggled with the window and finally heaved it open. Pressing her head against the screen, she shouted at his retreating figure.
    “Damn you, Hunter Webb!”
    If he heard her he didn't show it.
    Once she couldn't see him, all the anger drained out of her. She felt exhausted and numb. She frankly didn't know what to think anymore.
    “Is it safe for me to come out?”
    Turning, Amber saw Caleb peering out of his room.
    She nodded numbly. “I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to hear all of that.”
    Caleb entered the kitchen, tossed his soda can in the recycling container, and pulled another drink from the fridge. “One for you?” he asked and she nodded.
    Caleb sat down and tapped his hands nervously on the table. “So, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but it was hard not to hear what you guys were screaming to each other.”
    “I just don't get how he did everything without asking me first,” she said. “Who does something like that? I mean, I know he has the money but he just met me.”
    Caleb sat silent for a few moments. Then he looked up earnestly. “Look, maybe it isn't my place to tell you stuff but you should understand something about Hunter.”
    “I hope you aren't going to make excuses for him.” Amber sat down across from him and popped her soda open.
    Caleb shook his head. “He should have told you about bringing your stuff over. I get that. But you have to understand that, with the exception of our moms and the cleaning lady, you are the first girl to ever come into this apartment.” He paused and waited for that to sink in.
    “You have a cleaning lady?” Amber asked, incredulous. “What college student has a cleaning lady?”
    Caleb slapped his forehead. “Focus, here, Amber. We're talking about you being the first female Hunter Webb has ever brought to this apartment.”
    Amber's mouth gaped open. “But he's a junior, right? You mean he's never had a girlfriend here?”
    Caleb laughed harshly. “Girlfriend? Are you kidding me? I'm talking about any girl.”
    Amber bit her lip. “Are you sure he isn't, um . . .” She couldn't finish the thought.
    “Gay?” Caleb grinned. “No, I can assure you that he is not gay. In high school he dated quite a bit but sooner or later the girls always seemed to be more interested in his money than him.” He sighed.  “So when we came to college he vowed he wouldn't date anyone. He fills his time with his art and with the TA job. The job has been great for him. He works hard and genuinely likes helping people.”
    Amber cringed, remembering her comment about his “stupid little student job.” No wonder he had been so hurt. She had attacked his one source of pride.
    “But I have nothing!” she moaned, putting her head on the table. “I don't want him to ever think that I'm after his money.”
    Caleb put a hand on her shoulder. “Look, Amber, I grew up knowing Hunter since Kindergarten. I was the little kid from the wrong side of the tracks and he was the rich kid. But he never thought of himself that way. He has always been there for me and even beat up a few kids in middle school who tried to trash my name.”
    Amber looked up with shame. “Caleb, I'm so sorry. I just assumed that you were rich like him.”
    Caleb laughed suddenly. “I'm rich with good looks and intelligence. Or at least that's what I try to tell the ladies.”
    Amber grinned and then bit her lip. “So, it's none of my business but . . .”
    Caleb smiled. “It's okay. It was hard for me to accept living here for free and having his parents pay for my tuition. But what helped was when his mom told me how much

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