The Next Season (novella)

Free The Next Season (novella) by Rachael Johns

Book: The Next Season (novella) by Rachael Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Johns
‘You might not be able to drive properly.’
    Her words dashed his stupid hope and he decided the pain was getting to him, making him think crazy thoughts and contemplate doing crazy things. Zoe was merely showing polite concern; offering to help him out like he’d helped her when she’d driven into town on an empty tank. Only problem was…he was beginning to question his motives for doing anything where Zoe was concerned.
    â€˜Thanks, but I’ll be fine,’ he snapped, before standing and striding towards the door. It was time to drop the Good Samaritan act, and steering clear of Zoe while he finished sorting himself out wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

    Early on Saturday morning, the OPENING SOON signs in the window of the new Chocolate Dreams Café were ripped down and replaced by a large, bright, welcoming OPEN sign on the front door. Zoe was glad she’d chosen comfortable shoes when she’d dressed in her uniform that morning, for within half an hour of the local mayor cutting the ribbon to officially open the shop, the place was swamped.
    Aside from training the last two days with Hannah’s other staff and helping finish prepare the café for today’s grand opening, Zoe had kept a low profile in town since her return, so this also felt like a reunion of sorts. At almost every table she took an order, someone recognised her. Mostly this was a good thing—people remarking over how good she looked and how pleased Sandee must be to have her back for a bit—yet she tried not to get too hung up in conversations as she was on Hannah’s clock and didn’t want to get a reputation as being slack.
    â€˜It’s fine,’ Hannah told her after she’d apologised for lingering at the table where she’d been chatting to her old high school English teacher. ‘Part of good customer service is making small talk and making the customers feel important. You’re good at that.’
    â€˜Thanks.’ Zoe smiled as she retrieved two molten lava cakes from the kitchen hatch—so far Toby’s most requested dish.
    â€˜You think it’s going well?’ Hannah asked, biting her lip and glancing wistfully out at her packed full café.
    Zoe raised an eyebrow. ‘I’d say that’s the understatement of this millennium. I’ve heard so many good things about the food. People love the quotes on the wall and everyone adores the uniforms.’ She glanced down at her t-shirt, a lovely chocolate brown one with Did you ever notice there are no recipes for leftover chocolate? scrawled across it. The other waiters wore similar tops, with varying quotes. ‘What do you think about getting more of these made and selling them as souvenirs? You could even get hats and stubby holders, tea towels—the list is endless.’
    Hannah’s eyes lit up and her ever-present smile grew even more. ‘Oh my gosh, that is a brilliant idea. You’re a genius. Matt’s gonna kick himself for not thinking of that one. Thank you.’
    Zoe shrugged. ‘It’s the least I can do. Now, I’d better get these desserts to their owners before a riot kicks off.’
    Hannah laughed as Zoe turned back towards the tables. She was just delivering the two cakes to a couple of ladies she didn’t recognise when the bell above the door signalled the arrival of yet more customers. She looked up, already contemplating where she could squeeze them in, when her heart halted in her throat and her stomach turned in on itself.
    Shaun and his mum .
    Although she’d been anticipating his arrival, the way he wore his denim shorts and his fitted black tee sent desperate messages to her private places.
    She hadn’t seen or heard from him at all the last couple of days—not since his sudden departure after the accident. She’d wondered at times whether he was avoiding her, but had told herself he was more likely busy with work. There

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