The Next Season (novella)

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Book: The Next Season (novella) by Rachael Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Johns
was no reason for him to stay in touch. And besides, even if he were avoiding her, that was his prerogative and she had bigger fish to fry. At least that’s the line she fed herself.
    She’d been focused on helping Hannah get the shop ready during the day, and at night, she’d helped Sandee with the kids, cooking dinner and assisting with homework and washing. A number of times she’d typed a text message asking Shaun how his thumb was, only to delete it before pressing Send. She didn’t want him to think she was getting ideas, but she had hoped they could be friends.
    While these thoughts whirled around her head, Shaun and his mother began to weave through the tables to Hannah at the counter. Zoe noted his bandaged thumb and wondered if the pain had eased. Their eyes met and Zoe swallowed, wondering— hoping —he’d come say hi, but he merely nodded and continued on. Her heart sunk but she covered her disappointment over with a smile and went to take orders from a group who’d arrived just before him.
    â€˜Hi, ladies. What can I get for you?’
    None of the four women at the table even glanced her way. They were engrossed in conversation.
    â€˜I shouldn’t have come,’ said an immaculately groomed bottle-blonde before covering her face with her hands. ‘This is so awkward.’
    â€˜Don’t be silly,’ said her red-headed, big-busted friend. ‘This is your town as much as his now and you both need to learn to live in it separately.’
    The penny dropped and Zoe only just managed to cover her gasp. The blonde was Melissa? Her grip tightened on her order pad while the conversation continued before her as if she were invisible.
    â€˜Yes, but it’s his sister’s café,’ Melissa whined. ‘Surely there are boundaries.’
    Yes, girlfriend, there are. Zoe’s jaw clenched as she tapped her shoes against the floor and contemplated the things she’d like to do to Shaun’s ex. Perhaps Melissa would order a molten lava cake too and then Zoe could accidentally drop the hot dessert in her lap, leaving a nasty stain on her white skirt. She’d felt so angry when he’d told her about Melissa. Maybe she had no right to feel this way—she’d turned down his proposal once too—but that was different. They’d only been eighteen years old for crying out loud. Everyone knew marriages between people so young never lasted so she’d probably done him a favour. But it sounded like this Melissa had totally strung him along. And now here she was, flaunting herself in his face. Not even the decency to keep away.
    Zoe found herself turning to look at him and her heart cramped at the expression on his face. Melissa being here must be simply awful for him. She looked back to her customers and cleared her throat. ‘Are you ladies ready to place your order?’
    All four heads snapped up to look at her as if they’d only just realised she were there. She smiled down tightly at them, a little shaky about being rude, but knowing—considering who sat at this table—that her boss would likely be lenient if they complained.
    â€˜I’m sorry,’ Melissa gushed, then after another quick glance in Shaun’s direction, she asked, ‘What do you recommend?’
    â€˜The molten lava cake,’ Zoe retorted without having to think twice. She wouldn’t really dump it in Melissa’s lap, but…
    â€˜Thanks. That sounds good.’ Melissa turned to her cronies. ‘Girls?’
    The redhead made a show of taking her time reading over the menu. ‘Anyone want to share the dipping platter with me?’
    â€˜I will,’ said the other two at the same time, then one of them added, ‘Just don’t tell my Weight Watchers leader.’
    â€˜Actually, I’ll share too,’ Melissa decided, ‘and can we have a bottle of sparkling water and four glasses,

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