My Forbidden Mentor

Free My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills

Book: My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Mills
them angry and nowhere with their schedule, so she conceded and asked about the schedule again. “Can we continue with the schedule, then?”
    “First let’s resolve this matter,” he replied in a demanding tone.
    She could feel his hold on her full force now. She had to cooperate if they were to work together. Through a tightened jaw, she responded. “Yes, I am attracted to you. Is that what you want to hear?”
    “Good enough. Now let’s finish the schedule.”
    His nonchalant attitude annoyed her. Somehow she would find a way to curb his authoritative position. To prove their physical attraction would not stand in the way of progress she made a suggestion with eagerness. “Can we begin today? After all, it is Friday.”
    Bending over to pick up his journal, he decided after today’s frank conversation they both needed a couple of days to recover. “I had planned to start on Monday as I have business to take care of before then,” he answered, shifting to stand before her, clutching his book with one hand.
    They stood there staring at each other in contemplation. John was wondering if he’d made a mistake taking on this endeavor and Melissa was questioning her judgment in character.
    John’s doubts lingered as his gaze drifted over the sheer summer dress flowing along the shape of her body. Sunlight spilling through tree branches from above didn’t help to conceal a perfect figure of ample proportions, giving the teacher the wrong ideas about his student.
    Melissa grew conscious that their relationship of mentor and student could take the wrong course if they exchanged any more ardent looks like the present one. The palms of her hands began sweating, her heartbeat accelerated, and stirring in her belly was a kindling of intoxicating heat. The boldness of his heavy lidded eyes roaming over her body caused these sensations to form. Damn him, she would not be another prey for him to pounce on, their relationship should reflect only business. Gaining control of her senses she stood tall and proceeded to step closer to him. The necessity to put her training into effect took precedence. “It’s early yet. Can you spare some time so we can get started at least?”
    Her determination matched his, he noted. To be honest he could work with her today, there was plenty of time left, but her nearness was suffocating him. Strange sensations were taking over, making him feel out of control. “I can’t,” he regretfully told her.
    “Other business, I know,” she voiced in a selfish manner, assuming the lust he exposed in his eyes a moment ago was a seductive scheme that failed with her but would be successful with one of his paramours. Yes, that had to be why he rejected her suggestion. Wasn’t it just like a lord, a philandering horseman, to always have seduction on his mind? Before he could answer, she let her assumptions take over. “I see you have different kinds of business this afternoon and that is why you hesitated in answering.” Her eyes were downcast, glancing at her fumbling fingers, and then she raised them back to his steadied gaze. “Presumably a lady suitor awaiting your presence?” she guessed, amazing herself by talking to him in such a manner but she didn’t feel he was better than she, regardless of his status.
    Surprised by her speculation he wavered, searching for a reasonable excuse, but it wasn’t necessary with her accusation. With narrowing eyes, he made himself plain, “First of all, it’s none of your concern what kind of plans I have and with whom. Second, I can’t work with you today and that’s the end of it. We start on Monday. This conversation is over.”
    Still facing him with a look of astonishment, a finger came up, poking at his chest as she spoke through tense and tightened lips. “Fine then, if that’s the way you want it,” she told him, feeling angrier than usual and not understanding why.
    She turned to leave after her childish remark but John grabbed her arm. No

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