Operation Hellfire
partial blockade. Some ships are making it out, but just as many are being forced back."
    Nate spotted one of the bridge officers pointing towards the shape of the station.
    "Yes," said Captain Cornwallis, "That's the key to the System. At the same time as the evacuation, a group of large passenger transports moved in around the station."
    While the mapping imagery stayed the same, the model of the station increased in size to show much more detail of the vast military structure.
    "Based on the damage sustained, and the broken messages coming from the area, it's clear that this so-called Nozu-Kuba People's Militia is planning on seizing the station. It would appear there are already militia on the facility, and Prince Kratha estimates no more than a platoon of Byotai soldiers and volunteers remain on board."
    Lieutenant Commander Holder lifted her arm slightly above her right shoulder to get the Captain's attention.
    "Captain, what exactly are their motivations in this area? It looks like they are letting some ships leave. Are they trying to take control of the Ararrh System, or are they just trying to disrupt the evacuation?"
    The senior officer nodded as he answered.
    "That's a good question. You're correct about the ships. It seems they are letting some ships leave, but others are either attacked or boarded. Intelligence believes they are searching ships and taking anybody of use to their regime. Only the sick, wounded, and aged are being allowed to leave. Those that refuse to cooperate are being hit, and hit hard."
    He pointed back to the station.
    "A number of loyalists have retreated to the military base and are fighting to hold onto it alongside the Imperial Soldiers. Prince Kratha has made contact with those left and obtained information on the current position."
    His expression looked much more serious.
    "It's not good. The platforms have been booby-trapped, and they’ve set up a series of bastions inside. Their commander will not surrender, but it seems they have only a few hours to go. Soon it will be overrun, and according to Prince Kratha, any survivors sent back as traitors or killed."
    He waited, perhaps uncertain as to whether say the next part.
    "Their leader has rigged the station’s powerplants to detonate if their last barricades are breached. They will destroy the station, the Cortex, and the stored ammunition in a single blast."
    That sent a chill through the group that lasted a number of seconds. With the station gone, there was nothing of value left in the System other than the two Spacebridges. Colonel Marsden, one of the bridge officers, pointed to the model.
    "So, they leave us in the Alliance the burden of looking after the weak and sick, while taking the strong to join their own units. It's a smart move. And once they have the military facility, they will be able to put a stranglehold on this route to the Alliance and the rest of the quadrant."
    "True," said Captain Cornwallis, "And that's why the Admiral and our captains, with the assistance of Prince Kratha, have formulated Operation Hellfire. A concerted plan to secure the critical Fiorr Veej territory and to help the civilian evacuation of the Ararrh System."
    Another Naval officer, this time wearing the insignia of the science team caught the Captains' attention.
    "And what of the Ararrh System? Are we going to hold it on behalf of the Byotai?" The man looked to his comrades and lifted his arms up in mock resignation, "Is this even something we can do with fifteen ships?"
    Captain Cornwallis smiled.
    "We will hold it if possible, and if not, we will ensure the destruction of the Byotai military facility and deny its use to the enemy."
    Hawkins immediately lifted his hand and asked a question that must have been on many of their minds.
    "Sir. Is the Star Empire now officially an enemy of the Alliance?"
    Multiple heads turned around to look at him, several feigning mock surprise or horror at such a dull and obvious question.
    "No, the Ensign

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