Operation Hellfire
stream as it will use our hardened and secure data hierarchy
    "And to what end?"
    The Byotai opened his mouth and let out a long, slow hiss.
    "I will announce my intention to form a Byotai government in exile, and call on all loyalists to rally to my colours...as you would say, at locations that are defensible. It is my intention to lead the fightback for my people. The Empire is broken, but we are not defeated."
    He looked to his General who returned him a polite nod of agreement. The Admiral waited for several seconds, considering the young noble's words. His initial thoughts were to object, but then the words of Captain Galanos returned to him.
    I suggest we pick a small number of key locations and send units to reinforce them.
    He smiled to himself, especially when he recalled the expression of some of the other captains. Galanos was certainly one to speak her mind, and that was exactly why he'd asked her. He looked to the Prince and gave him a gentle nod of agreement.
    "Very well, you will have your thirty minutes. There is one thing, though. We will formulate the message together. It's time for a strategy, and I think we might have a few ways to help you."
    Prince Kratha signalled for his old advisor to approach. They spoke in Byotai for a few seconds before he looked back.
    "General Honorius and I would be honoured to have your input."

    Alliance Armoured Assault Ship 'ANS Relentless'
    Nate's face reflected the energy from the three-dimensional model as it glowed brightly, its effect enhanced by the low-level lighting. He'd dreamed of seeing briefings like this since he was a little kid, and now he was there, sitting amongst the brightest and the best aboard Relentless. If anyone had bothered to look at him, they would probably have laughed. He looked like a child in a candy store.
    This is a full fleet operation, and we're gonna be part of it!
    Nate was terrified and exhilarated at the same time. They'd been in action already, and their actions to reach Prince Kratha, and to rescue his retinue had hardly been a minor event. This time they were entering a system with the entire fleet, and with multiple objectives, just like the simulated missions they'd conducted before. Capital ships were tasked with interdiction missions, while the fighters had multiple objectives. It was a large, complex affair, and he couldn't wait.
    "Can you believe this?"
    Ensign Hawkins shook his head and whispered back to him.
    "It's just another mission, Nate. Knowing our luck, we'll miss all the action."
    Nate would not be dissuaded and turned his attention back to the model. It showed a map of the entire border region, the Alliance to the bottom and four major provinces of the Star Empire at the top. From the left was the Anicinàbe Province, what remained of the vast swathe of territory ruled by the disparate tribes. Now it was just part of the Greater Star Empire. To the right the occupied Ninth and Eighth Quadrants, with only the Deadlands separating them from Alliance space. To the top of the mapping data was part of The Trinity, the three rich quadrants that formed the heart of the Old Byotai Empire. Jammed between the Ninth quadrant and the Anicinàbe Province was the disputed Tenth Quadrant, an area still involved in major fighting.
    The officers of the three squadrons aboard ANS Relentless, as well as the Marine Corps officers, sat in semicircle as they listened to Captain Cornwallis. A handful of other men and women sat further back and watched in silence.
    "Since the collapse of the Imperium, this entire region has gone to hell."
    It was a simple statement of fact, yet every one could see it was true.
    "It's a complex environment with multiple factions, scores of star systems, and mercenaries on every side. At present, all that is of interest to us is what is happening here."
    The Captain pointed to the right at the bottom of the Eight Quadrant, relatively close to the Deadlands and the border to Alliance

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