No Regrets (Live Today #2)

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Book: No Regrets (Live Today #2) by Savana Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savana Jade
    “So you’re saying… You’re saying you were…”
    “A virgin?” I finally find the courage to look up at her and meet her eyes. “Yeah. I was. When I left Kansas seven years ago, after Carmen did what she did to me, all I wanted to do was to get even with her and fuck anyone who walked past me. But when I made it to California, I was so wound up in playing the guitar, being with a girl was the last thing on my mind. I was focused on making it big.”
    “But then I met you. And yeah, like some love sick fucking puppy, I made the decision to wait as long as it took until I could call you mine.” God, I sound like a pussy.
    Silently she walks to me and sits by my side. “I… I just thought with all the women...”
    “That I was a man whore?” I ask, finishing her sentence. “Yeah, I know.” She shrugs and I can’t help but laugh. “Did you ever wonder why the guys would just laugh at me?”
    “Oh my God!” She covers her mouth. “All those ‘If you only knew’ comments?” I nod when she finally puts two and two together. “You know I’m going to kick their asses for this, right?”
    “Only if I get to watch?” She laughs. I smile down at her. God I love to see her laugh. She can change any room with just her smile. Suddenly she moves her tiny body and throws a leg over me. I’m in complete shock, I thought it would take weeks for her to forgive me. My hands automatically rest on her hips. “For eight years, I’ve waited for you. I would wait a lifetime to be with you Jenna, my Angel.”
    “So, is there anything else you need to tell me?” She raises an eyebrow, waiting for my response.
    “Besides the fact that I’m going to marry you so I can guarantee you won’t leave me again?” Her eyes widen as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. “This has been the longest few weeks of my life.”
    “I know. There were so many times I wanted to turn around and either beat the shit out of you or hold you in my arms.” She admits, running her fingers through my hair. “When you fell to your knees that day, I almost broke then and there. But, I needed this.” She confesses. “I needed time to get my head straight. To really think clearly without you or Brennan blurring my judgment. Drew helped me with that. He’s always been a neutral source when it comes to any of us. As much as I needed you to be with me, I needed him to help me with my problem. I just want you to understand that. I wasn’t lying when I said my love for you hadn’t changed.” She smiles down at me when her fingers play with the hair at the nape of my neck. My favorite place.
    “I wasn’t lying when I said that I was never letting you go in that text.” I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring I’ve been holding onto for years. “This is yours.” She takes the ring and looks closely at it. “But only when the time’s right. Will already gave his blessing. Brennan said no, of course. But I’m working on him.” I chuckle. “Slowly.” Her eyes gloss over while she inspects the ring. Her breath hitches when she reads the inscription on the inside of the ring.
    Only You, Angel
                  A tear escapes her eye again and with the brush of my thumb, I wipe it away. “Baby, don’t cry.”
    “I can’t believe this.” She whispers. I reach to take the ring back and she pulls away. “Oh no. This is mine.” Her teary eyes narrow down at me. I bark out a laugh.
    “You know, Brennan will definitely take a testicle when he sees it on you?” I mention as a fact.
    “I don’t care Gabriel.”
    “Well, I do.” I gently take it from her. “Tell you what?” I ask, taking her hand in mine. “Let’s make this a promise ring?” I take the ring and slide it onto her finger.
    “Jenna Lynn Munson, I promise to do my best to make you the happiest woman in the world. I promise to stand by you and support you in all things. I promise that I will make mistakes.” She

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