No Regrets (Live Today #2)

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Book: No Regrets (Live Today #2) by Savana Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savana Jade
giggles, but I continue, “Because we both know I will. But I also promise to make it up to you when I do. I promise to love you in the morning when your hair is all ratty, and I promise to make love to you and only you for the rest of my life.” I push the ring onto her finger. “Will you accept my promise to you?” I won’t lie, tears have formed in my eyes as well.
    “Gabriel Antonio Gonzales.” She kisses my forehead. God have I missed her lips. “I promise to remind you of the mistakes you make so you can make them up to me immediately.  I promise to stand by you and support you in everything you do.” She kisses my cheek. “I promise to beat the shit out of you when you wake me up in the morning and make fun of my hair.  But I also promise to make it up to you afterwards. ” Kissing my other cheek. “I promise to make love to you and only you for the rest of my life.” Her soft lips finally make their way to mine and I can’t help but let out a small groan. “Do you accept my promise to you?”
    Pulling her into me as close as I can, I take her face in my hands. “I love you Jenna.” I kiss her with more passion than I thought I had in me. She groans and deepens the kiss just before pulling back and whispering her love for me in return.
                  “Well, I see you two kissed and made up.” A very familiar voice comes from behind us.
    “Your timing is impeccable Brennan.” Jenna says as she rests her forehead on mine smiling. I have missed this smile.
    “What can I say?” He laughs. “I was born to interrupt you two… Ouch.” He cries. Causing us both to look up at him, realizing Ashley smacked him in the chest.
    “Ashley?” Jenna say’s surprised.
    “Be nice to them.” She says before turning to us and giving Jenna a wink. “Gabe and Brennan thought it would be fun to have another woman around.”
    I help Jenna onto her feet and suddenly she’s in the arms of her brother, but not before giving my sister a welcoming hug.  He chuckles once she’s planted firmly in his arms. “I missed you too.”
    “Thanks for not killing him.” She says. I laugh wrapping my arm around my sister. We all begin to make our way back to the house for lunch.
    “Day’s not over… Ouch!” He cries again. “Stop that!” He grabs Jenna’s hand that was twisting his nipple. “What the fuck?” He says in surprise when he notices the ring and begins charging my way.
    I take a step away before I raise my hands in defense. “Brennan. Bro, it’s not what you think!” I say.
    “Better start fucking explaining right now Gabe. Because you are two steps away from dying.” Jenna pushes him back breaking his eye contact form me.
    “Brennan. Stop.” She says forcefully. “I refused to give it back to him.”
    “It wasn’t supposed to be shown to you until I gave permission.” He points toward me. “He…”
    “I didn’t propose man!” I try to calm him down. “Well, I kind of did, but didn’t. I did show it to her yes.” He takes a step toward me, I push Ashley back a step with me. “And yes, I told her I was going to marry her.” Another set of steps are made. “But I swear man. It’s a promise ring.”
    “He’s not lying Brennan.” Jenna says pushing him away. Brennan takes a few huffs before he begins to calm down.
    “Better not fucking be!” he says before looking down at her. I take a deep breath, glad I dodged that bullet. “Are you sure this is what you want, Jenna?”
    She turns to my direction and wraps her arms around my waist. “Positive. I love him.”

    We’ve spent most of the day reuniting with the parents. Gabriel and I haven’t had much alone time, but that’s okay. As far as I’m concerned, we will have the rest of our lives together. So spending a few days with the parents is worth it. Even though Gabe hasn’t left my side much, I have to admit having his sister Ashley around is refreshing. Matt’s been in the kitchen making

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