wouldn’t even tell me why,” Cami snarled angrily. “He just said he was sorry and would make it up to me…like that made everything okay. I’m so over that asshole. He’s so hot and cold.”
“I’m really sorry, Cami. But I know Drew is a nice guy. I’m sure he has a good reason.”
“Honestly,” Cami replied. “I really don’t give a fuck at this point. He can shove his reasons up his ass. I’m over it.”
“Um…okay then,” Maggie said.
“But I’m not calling just to bitch. I’m all made up with nowhere to go. What are you doing tonight?”
“Oh…well…” Maggie paused for a second before continuing. “I actually have a date tonight. But it’s a casual thing. I can cancel.”
“Oh my God, of course you’re not going to cancel,” Cami cried. “But I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were going on a date. I want to know all about it. Who’s the guy? How’d you meet? Is this the first date? It better be, or I’ll be pissed that you’re holding out on me!”
“Listen, Cami,” Maggie began when Cami finally paused to breathe. “This thing is kind of new, and I’m not really sure about it yet, so I don’t really want to say.”
“Okay,” Cami replied, taken aback. Her best friend had never not wanted to spill about her love life. In fact, Maggie normally wouldn’t shut up about whatever guy she was seeing at the moment. “Okay, I guess.”
“Thank you so much for understanding, Cami,” Maggie said, obviously relieved. “And I really will tell you eventually. I promise. I love you to death, but I have to go now ‘cuz he’ll be here soon. I’m really sorry about Drew.”
“That’s fine. Have a great night,” Cami said, trying to sound more cheerful than she felt. “Bye!”
“Bye!” Maggie called as she hung up the phone.
Cami tossed her cell on the couch cushion next to her and slumped over, feeling somehow even more dejected than she had before she’d called Maggie. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel happy for her best friend, because she did. She might’ve been slightly jealous that Maggie had a date when she didn’t, but not enough to hold it against her. And it wasn’t like Maggie didn’t deserve her privacy. She really did.
But, after all of Drew’s shadiness, Maggie’s secrecy just rubbed her the wrong way. Why was everyone being so weird all of a sudden? First Ken, with his ridiculous custody demands. Then Drew, with his weird hot-and-cold attentions. And now Maggie, and her secret boyfriend.
Cami got up and opened a bottle of wine, not even caring that it wasn’t yet five o’clock. It was a Saturday, she was off work, and she’d had a rough day…week…month, really. She deserved to get hammered while her daughter was at her scheming ex-husband’s house, probably cuddling up to his perfect Barbie doll of a new fiancée.
Cami was slumped over on the couch, three glasses of wine deep and watching Sex and the City reruns when the doorbell rang. She sat up, confused, then wandered towards the door. She opened it to find Drew standing in front of her. He had a bouquet of sunflowers in one hand while the other held a bag.
“Hi,” he said sheepishly. “Can I come in?”
“I don’t know,” Cami replied, hands on her hips. “I don’t know if you deserve to come inside.”
“Probably not, but I came to make amends for canceling so abruptly earlier. Look. I’m really sorry. And I brought flowers.” He held the sunflowers out, and Cami took them from him.
“They’re my favorite,” she admitted begrudgingly.
“I know,” he replied with a proud smile. “I also brought you a bottle of merlot and burgers from Downtown Grill.”
Cami eyed the bottle of wine—which just so happened to be her favorite brand. And, of course, Downtown Grill was her favorite place to eat.
“How did you—”
“Maggie,” Drew answered before Cami even had time to finish her question. “And I really owe her because she answered and talked me
Reshonda Tate Billingsley