through everything, even though she was on a date.”
All the resentment Cami had been feeling towards Maggie immediately melted away, replaced by warmth. She felt guilty and promised herself that she’d do something nice for her best friend very soon. Reluctantly, Cami stepped away from the door and allowed Drew into the house.
Drew headed straight towards the dining room, where he began pulling delicious-smelling burgers out of the bag.
Cami came up behind him and slid into a seat, watching him work. He moved around her kitchen with ease, making himself at home as he searched out everything he needed. Eventually, they were both sitting across from each other, with plates stacked high with burgers and fries in front of them, two generous glasses of wine next to the food.
“So,” Drew started after they’d both begun eating. “I think I owe you an explanation about earlier.”
“You don’t have to explain,” Cami replied, though she really did want to know.
“My sister Elsie has been in a horrendous marriage. Her husband Robert is an abusive alcoholic. Well, she called me earlier today in tears because she’d seen Robert shake their four-year-old son, Robbie. She finally realized she needed to leave him and she was asking me for help. I really couldn’t say no to that. It took a lot longer than I expected, hence the canceled date. But they’re all set up in my apartment right now, and when I admitted to her that I’d canceled a date to help her, she insisted I go. And, since I’ve been waiting to see you for weeks, I could hardly put up a protest. So…a quick call to Maggie and here I am.”
Cami didn’t admit that she’d overheard Drew and his sister having a serious conversation about said marriage while at the beach house a few weeks ago. She didn’t want him to know that such a private moment had been witnessed. What she did do was offer him a large, sweet smile.
“You’re an amazing brother,” she told him. “I wish I’d had someone like you during my divorce.”
“Well,” he said with a smile of his own, “you have someone like me now.”
Cami smiled at that, feeling bold with the mixture of wine and Drew’s own confession.
“I’ve missed you too,” she admitted. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you…stop thinking about our last night together.”
Drew’s smile went from sweet to lascivious in a matter of moments.
“Oh, really?” he asked, his voice growing a little deeper. “And what couldn’t you stop thinking about?”
“You,” Cami replied. “You, holding me down, tying me up, telling me what to do.” She couldn’t believe she just said all this aloud.
Drew was looking at her with a gaze so intense that Cami thought she might explode. Her body was already responding, and she could feel desire beginning to build between her thighs. He licked his lips before standing and walking towards her side of the table. He offered her a hand, which she took, and he pulled her up and out of the kitchen. Their food was left half-eaten on the table as he directed her towards the bedroom.
Drew was the epitome of calm control as he led Cami to the bed.
“Strip,” he commanded as he stood next to her.
There was no hesitation in his tone, and Cami knew better than to question him. Instead, she slowly slipped off the t-shirt she’d donned when she’d realized that she’d be spending the night alone, then the unflattering sweatpants she’d also been wearing. Thankfully, Cami had forgone underwear of any kind out of laziness and she was soon standing in the middle of her bedroom completely bare. Drew stood still for a moment, silently devouring her body with his eyes, before he moved forward and pushed Cami until she fell against the mattress.
Like last time they had been together, Cami sprawled out against the comforter and watched Drew slowly undress himself. Once he was down to his boxer briefs, which were tented and wet with his excitement, Cami couldn’t