The Lycan Society (The Flux Age Book 1)

Free The Lycan Society (The Flux Age Book 1) by Steven J Shelley

Book: The Lycan Society (The Flux Age Book 1) by Steven J Shelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven J Shelley
everything lycans did.
    “Yasmin,” the Mother said. “I’m glad you had the will, tenacity and passion to find us. These things will hold you in good stead. You’re probably wondering why we saved your life.”
    “The thought might have crossed her mind,” Florence said dryly.
    “The Society has a long history of altruism,” the Mother said crisply, ignoring Florence. “In general we seek to preserve human life rather than see it wasted. You presented to the hospital with a particular blood condition. We at the Society haven’t seen that condition for several centuries. In short, we believe you have vast potential.”
    “Potential?” Yasmin repeated.
    “Becoming a Lycan is about being genetically disposed to being one. I’m sure you know by now that every human has a spirit beast. Yasmin, we believe you’re one of us. We’re just not sure yet. Going to Berlin, taking part in this attack, will tell us once and for all where your destiny lies.”
    The Mother darted a glance at Florence.
    “This is why Florence must protect you.”
    A feeling of vague unease loomed in the back of Florence’s mind. Something about all of this didn’t add up. She held her tongue, instead looking over at the ethereal Yasmin, who seemed transfixed by the Mother’s words.
    “I’ll do as you say, Mother,” the platinum-haired beauty said evenly. “I look forward to becoming a lycan.”
    “Perhaps this will help you along,” said the Mother, producing a simple bronze pendant on a copper chain. A stylized wolf’s head was engraved on one side. Florence found herself touching her own pendant through the material of her T-shirt. Field operatives were usually forced to conceal their pendants to avoid unwanted attention.
    Yasmin took the proffered gift as if it were the most precious of gemstones. The girl couldn’t stifle a wide grin as she looped it around her neck.
    “I’ll wear it with pride, Mother,” she said, overwhelmed.
    “Welcome to the Lycan Society, child,” Mother Arena said with a benign smile.
    Florence felt her earlier anger dissipate. It was easy to forget how beautiful the Mother was when she was relaxed and happy. Unfortunately those moments were few now that the Flux had begun in earnest.
    Yasmin couldn’t tear her gaze from her new acquisition.
    “You may go, child,” said the Mother. “I’m sure Jack has a hundred things to show you.”
    “Of course, Mother.”
    Still beaming, Yasmin left the office. Which left Florence alone with the Mother. Finally.
    “Is it wise to get her hopes up?” Florence asked at length. “We still don’t know -”
    “I need her to feel part of the pack,” Mother Arena interjected. “I need her loyalty. For now.”
    “This is where you explain to me what the hell is going on,” Florence said, softening her words with a wry smile.
    The Mother sighed, again resting her head on her hands. Orchestrating a response to the Berlin Club’s attacks had clearly taken a lot out of her.
    “You are right to be suspicious, Florence,” she said. Florence braced herself - the Mother rarely looked so vulnerable.
    “The Elders all agree that we are running a huge risk by letting Yasmin know who we are.”
    “Who is she exactly?”
    The Mother tossed her head in frustration. “We don’t know yet. We do know she responded to lycan blood, which usually points to lycan biology.”
    Florence turned the words over, looking for hidden meaning in the Mother’s words. She didn’t find any.
    “Seems like an open and shut case,” said Florence warily. “On the surface.”
    “I agree,” said the Mother. “If it wasn’t for the blood condition the girl had in the first place.”
    Florence cast her mind back. Of course . The condition there was no known cure for.
    “A condition we haven’t seen for a thousand years,” the Mother said with dark intensity.
    Florence’s heart skipped a beat. “You think she’s something else?” she breathed.
    “That is precisely your

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