Ghostworld (Deathstalker Prelude)

Free Ghostworld (Deathstalker Prelude) by Simon R. Green

Book: Ghostworld (Deathstalker Prelude) by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
Tags: Deathstalker, Twilight of Empire
a major catastrophe—just so long as she got to see a little action. Anything would be better than this.
    Well, almost anything. She hadn’t forgotten what had happened the last time she opened up her esp, on the way down. There was something here on Unseeli with them, and to hell with what the sensors said. And whatever it was, it was dangerous. She’d sensed a rage and a force beyond anything she’d ever encountered before, something so powerful it almost burned out her mind just looking at it. She’d kept her esp damped down ever since, and had no intention of raising it again, no matter how bored she got. She frowned slightly, unhappy at the direction her thoughts were taking, but unable to ignore them either. Captain Silence had known what the attacking force was, even if what he’d said had made no sense. When he got back, she’d get some answers out of him, one way or another. She could always run a quick scan on him. In and out, so fast he’d never notice. But of course she couldn’t. Just thinking about it was enough to make her break out in a cold sweat. The Empire conditioned its espers very carefully from childhood on, to ensure they’d never abuse their abilities. Except in the service of the Empire, of course.
    “Investigator Frost to pinnace. Acknowledge, and confirm your situation.”
    Diana sat up straight as the Investigator’s cold, calm voice sounded in her comm implant. “This is esper Vertue. The pinnace is still secure. Nothing’s happened since you left. Where are you?”
    “About two miles east of the landing field, map reference Alpha Tango eighty-eight. Has the Captain returned yet?”
    “No, Investigator. He hasn’t contacted us, and we haven’t been able to raise him. Something down here is affecting the comm system; it only works when it feels like it.”
    “I had hoped the Captain would be there, but we can proceed without him. This is an official log entry; Unseeli, Day One, 1543 hours. I have discovered what appears to be an alien space vessel, crashed some two miles east of Base Thirteen. The ship has suffered extensive damage, and there is as yet no sign of any pilot or other crew.”
    “An alien ship?” said Diana excitedly as Frost paused. “What type is it? What species?”
    There was another pause, but when Frost spoke again, her voice was calm and measured. “Unknown, esper.”
    Diana stared blankly at the comm panels, her mind racing. Space-travelling aliens were rare, even out here on the Rim, but a new, unknown species! This was the kind of thing careers were made on. A sudden thought struck her.
    “Investigator, could this be a representative of the species who originally created the metal forest?”
    “Possible, but unlikely. Any species intelligent enough to genegineer the trees would surely be able to land a ship without crashing it. Listen carefully, esper. You’re going to have to leave the pinnace. I need you here, with me, to examine this ship. The marines will accompany you, to ensure your safety.”
    “You mean, leave the pinnace unguarded?” said Diana.
    “The pinnace can look after itself. Odin, go to full battle readiness. Acknowledge.”
    “Acknowledged, Investigator,” Odin replied. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but Diana could have sworn she heard something like excitement in the AI’s invariably calm voice.
    “In the meantime, Odin, keep trying to raise the Captain.” said Frost. “I don’t like being out of contact with him for so long. That goes for you too, esper. You might have better luck once you’ve moved away from the vicinity of Base Thirteen. Odin; what’s your current status on repairs?”
    “Progressing well, Investigator. All main systems are back on line and operational.”
    “What about structure integrity? Could we lift off, if we had to?”
    “Unknown, Investigator. Theoretically, yes. As a practical matter, I could not reccomend it, except in the most urgent circumstances.”
    “Very well. Maintain

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