Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

Free Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley

Book: Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley
a pleasant surprise to find you all the way out here, and nowhere near your name day. Were you on your way to my home?” Mikage smiled as he looked around at the travelers. “And who are your friends?”
    “Yes, Uncle, we were.” Yui motioned with his hand as he introduced the others. “This is Mika and Goemon, from Iga. He’s Hanzo and Hinata’s son.”
    The white-haired man interrupted the introductions. “Mika? Apologies, sir. But you don’t look like any Mika I’ve ever seen before.”
    “Heh.” The young girl laughed as she materialized with her words. “ I’m Mika. He’s Emperor Musashi.”
    Mikage gasped. “Ah, an invisible Shinobi. But-but, why were you allowed to live?”
    Mika dropped the tiny white flower she’d only just plucked and stared, open mouthed, at the old wizard as she faded away once more.
    “Uncle, stop,” Yui warned.
    Her soft whimpers brought her trembling form back into view. “What does he mean? What’s he talking about, Yui?”
    “Uncle, this is Kira’s daughter.” Yui spoke to Mikage as he took the terrified girl’s hand and patted it gently.
    “What? Kira’s…”
    “Yes,” Yui said. “When her mother died in childbirth, Hanzo and Hinata took the babe, raising her as their own.”
    Mikage’s smile faded. He half sat, half collapsed, upon a large stone as the wind was seemingly forced from his lungs.
    Mika crawled into Musashi’s big lap and began crying against his neck. Silence swallowed them as comprehension eluded all but Yui… and the Emperor.
    “You were telling it true, Yui.” Musashi spoke as he held the crying girl, trying to comfort her, sooth away her trembling tears. “Only important words find their way from your lips. You have learned to keep many secrets, and keep them well. I shall remember that.” The Emperor turned to the older Shinobi. “So, Mikage Abe, is it?”
    Mikage bowed his head. “Apologies, Emperor.”
    “Withhold regret. This chance meeting has been a curious revelation for us all.” He looked down at the sniffling girl in his arms. “Am I safe in assuming you knew Mika’s mother… well ?” Musashi posed his question with a raised eyebrow.
    “Yes, Sire,” Mikage whispered. “I knew her very well.”
    “Yes, Sire?”
    “Tell me this. Are you the only one, before today, who knew all the parts to this dramatic play?”
    “Yes, Sire, only I,” Yui admitted.
    “Hmm. Then correct me where I err.” The Emperor kept his gaze fixed on the aging wizard as he spoke. “Mikage left Iga on the day you were born. And you’re what… perhaps four years older than little Mika, here?” Musashi’s voice was smooth and comforting as he tenderly stroked the crying girl’s long black locks.
    “Yes, Milord. But I’m nearly five years older than she.”
    “So, even though Orochimaru is your father and Master Mikage’s brother, they haven’t spoken since he left Iga at your birth.” He eyed the old wizard, knowingly.
    Mikage didn’t meet his gaze. Silence was his only answer.
    “Yui,” Musashi continued. “Why is it I met not your mother during the Iga showing?”
    Mika sniffed. “Yui and I are the same. Our mothers left this world when we entered it.”
    “Is that so?” Musashi pondered as he stared intently at the white-haired man who seemed lost in nightmarish thought.
    The old Shinobi caught the knowing look in Musashi’s eyes and nervously cleared his throat. “Pardon, Sire, but why would our great Emperor travel all this way to visit the humble home of a mere Shinobi hermit?”
    “He would seek answers for his musings,” Goemon chirped. “Mika told him you may be able to help and Father said we could come along.”
    The two men stared at one another.
    “Come, Sire. Give voice to these wandering thoughts and see them forged into action.” Mikage spoke as he stood, motioning with a tilt of his head toward the surrounding trees.
    Musashi gently placed Mika on the ground beside him. The two men began

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