Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Book: Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) by JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley Read Free Book Online
Authors: JK Ensley, Jennifer Ensley
Varick tensed, going rigid against her. “Such news does not ease my anxious mind nor calm my racing heart.”
    “Nor mine, my Prince.” Jenevier sighed. “She retrieved the book from another. I know not whom. Your sister’s treacherous smile is a shadow over my troubled heart. We’ve not seen the last ripple from her actions. I fear it to be a great wave when it reaches our shores.”
    “I will stand by you, always. Be it ripple or tidal wave, I will protect you.”
    “I wish to walk within the forest. I don’t want to be here when she arrives. You should stay and greet her, perhaps she will speak true with her brother.” She tilted her head back, looking up at him again. “Is Vittorio or Vareilious yet within the city?”
    “Vittorio has been summonsed,” he said. “Vareilious yet remains.”
    “Yes, my darling. I will, I will.” Jenevier rubbed her tummy as she spoke.
    “Does he speak to you now?”
    “He does.”
    “And you answer him?”
    Varick laughed. “Are you even of this world, Milady?”
    “I only thought I was,” she whispered absently.
    “Jenevier, it was but jest. Do not find trouble in careless words.”
    “I do not, my love.” She released a weary breath. “As the babe grows, so too does my mind. It is as it was when I visited with my own kind back in Ashgard. The whole world seems brighter and bigger, yet, I grow farther from it daily. At times, I am but a witness to the magical play going on around me. Not part of it, but exceedingly, dreadfully separate.” She turned to face him. “We speak without speaking about things you cannot see, things we should not know. I’ve never felt farther away from the little girl slipping barefoot from that cottage window than I do right now.”
    “I waited knowingly for this day, yet feared it above all others,” Varick confessed.
    She smiled. “Fear not, sweet Prince. I will ever remain at your side. Demons couldn’t drag me away. Well, not again, anyway.”
    He chuckled. “I will always rescue you, my love. Now, come. Take my hand. I shall deliver you safely unto my brother’s protective arms. Return to me the moment you know I’m alone, minus sibling. I will not see labor come upon you while I tarry with evil sister.”
    “There is yet time, my love.” She giggled softly. “We’ll not be blessed to look upon our son this day. Remove fears, sweet Prince, and set your mind to ardent task. We must know who held my journal, and to what purpose.”
    Jenevier watched until Varick’s smile could no longer be seen. Vareilious took special care with her, supporting her as they made the familiar journey through the trees.
    “What plagues your mind, little sister?”
    “Many things, Brother,” she said with a sigh.
    He waited for her to offer an explanation. She did not. “This will seem a chore if you hold your tongue, Princess,” he prodded.
    “Gratitude, Brother… for everything.”
    “Define everything .” He tried to tease a smile from her.
    Jenevier stopped and took Vareilious’s hands, turning to face the ethereal Vanir. He was suddenly uncomfortable, not an easy thing to accomplish with the Master of Emotions.
    “I have not the words I need to properly express my heart. Gratitude for everything, Brother. I value your friendship, your tutelage, your support, your devotion, your love, and especially your forgiveness. Only you know the secrets we share, Brother. Only I have ever caused your heart to grieve. Because of youth and ignorance, I moved foolishly and with regret concerning you. Yet here you are. Once again, gratitude is all I can say with this feeble mortal tongue.”
    “There’s nothing feeble or mortal about you, Milady. We’ve both suffered immeasurable loss, and have found comfort in what will always be bonded between us. I am your Guardian. I have been since the day you appeared at my gate and I tasted your fear, claiming my right to be named thusly. What we share is different than the bond you

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